Advanced Configuration With System Properties

Aside from the few system properties that are explicitly discussed in the Commander user documentation, don't edit system properties unless you have been directed by Customer Support to do so.

Commander allows for more flexible configuration options through the use of system properties.

If Customer Support directs to you set a system property to tune Commander behavior or performance, there are two methods for doing so:

  • Edit system properties in the Commander admin portal.
  • Edit the registry directly using the vlmw utility.

If you edit the system properties from the Commander Admin Portal, most system properties don't require a restart of the Commander service. (In the Admin Portal, the Restart column on the Advanced Configuration tab indicates whether a service restart is required.) However, If you edit the registry directly, you must always restart the Commander service after.

How the two methods work together

If you set a value in the Admin Portal that differs from a value previously set in the registry, the registry entry will override the newer Admin Portal-set value. This ensures that if an error is made in the console, you can repair the error by editing the registry.

When a non-default value is set through the registry, in the Admin Portal the property is displayed in bold, with a status of Override rather than Default. When a non-default value is set through the Admin Portal, the property is displayed in bold, with a status of User Set rather than Default.

Set system properties in Commander

If you want to edit a property in the Commander Admin Portal, you should remove any registry entry first, so that the value you set through the Admin Portal isn't overridden when the Commander service is restarted.


Configuration > System > Advanced tab

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser can edit; any Commander role can view property values

  1. On the Advanced page, locate the system property you have been directed to set.

    You can enter text in the search field to help locate a property.

  2. Double-click the property in the list.
  3. In the Advanced Configuration dialog, set a value for the property and click Save.

    To revert to the default setting, click Use Default.

  4. If the Restart column for this system property has a value of Yes, restart the Commander service.

Set system properties through the registry

  1. Sign in to the Commander server and browse to:


  2. Launch vlmw as an Administrator.
  3. On the General tab of the Commander Properties dialog, click Stop to stop the Commander service.
  4. On the Java tab, in the Java Options text box, scroll to the bottom of the list of system properties and, on a new line, add the system property you have been directed to set, in the following format:


  5. Click Apply.
  6. On the General tab, click Start to start the Commander service.