Configure the Commander Jenkins Plugin

To use the Commander Jenkins plugin, you must install the plugin and configure its connection to a Commander instance.

Install the Commander plugin

  1. From the left side-panel on your Jenkins dashboard, click Manage Jenkins, then click Go to Plugin Manager.
  2. In the Jenkins Plugin Manager, click the Available tab.
  3. Search for "Embotics".
  4. Select Embotics Commander and click one of the following:

    • Install without restart
    • Download now and install after restart
  • If you have previously installed Commander plugin and an update is available, you can click Download now and install after restart in the Updates tab of the Jenkins plugin manager to update the plugin.
  • You can also download the Commander Jenkins plug-in from the Jenkins website , then manually upload it in the Jenkins Plugin Manager.

Configure the plugin's connection to Commander

After the Commander plugin is installed in Jenkins, you must configure it to communicate with your Commander installation. Only one Commander installation can be added to a Jenkins automation server.

  1. From the left side-panel on your Jenkins dashboard, click Manage Jenkins, then click Configure System.
  2. Scroll down to the Commander section.
  3. In the Commander URL field, enter the URL where Commander is installed.

    The URL pattern is https://<host_or_ip_address> (for example,

  4. Add new credentials or use any existing Commander or Service Portal user credentials that the plugin will use to access Commander. These credentials are maintained in the Jenkins Credential plugin and are available system-wide in Jenkins.

    You can only select one set of user credentials for the connection to Commander.

    • To add new credentials, click Add > Jenkins. In the Jenkins Credentials Provider dialog, specify a valid username and password for accessing the Commander instance. The username and password may be global (the default) or exist within a domain that's defined in Jenkins. Then click Add.
    • To use username/password credentials that have already been added to Jenkins Credentials Provider, from the Credentials list, select a username/password credential.

      The credentials that are displayed are filtered based on domain. This means that only credentials that are relevant for the Commander URL will be displayed.

  5. If you're using credentials for a Commander user account, leave the Organization Name field blank. However, if you're using credentials for a Service Portal user account, you must enter the name of the organization the user account belongs to.
  6. Click the Test Connection button.
  7. If the configured connection passes, save the configuration.