Select Regions for Public Clouds

You can select the regions that you want to display for public cloud accounts, and remove the regions that you don't use to improve usability for administrators and increase system performance.

For example, you can remove regions that don't contain any instances. The regions you remove are not displayed in Commander and therefore you cannot deploy any resources to them.

When you add a public cloud account:

  • If resources exist, only regions that contain resources are displayed.
  • If no resources exist in any of its regions, all regions are displayed.

If you have selected the regions that you want to display for a cloud account and a new region becomes available, the new region is not automatically displayed in Commander. In this case, you must select the new region if you want to use it. For AWS, the new region becomes available for you to select after the next major Commander release. For GCP and Azure, the new region becomes available for you to select after the next update.

Costs from all regions are displayed in the Cost Dashboards and Cloud Billing report, regardless of which regions are selected in the cloud account region selection.


Views > Inventory

Available to:

Commander Roles of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

  1. Click the Infrastructure, Applications, or Storage tab.
  2. From the Inventory tree, select a public cloud account.
  3. On the Summary page, select Actions > Select Regions.
  4. In the Select Regions dialog, select the regions that you want to display.
  5. Click OK.