Run command workflows

Typically you run command workflows that are configured for a specific infrastructure target type, such as a VM, cloud account, load balancers, or database. The majority of workflows are designed for a particular infrastructure target type.

However, you can run command workflows that are configured for no infrastructure target. For example, you could use a command workflow with no infrastructure target type to update Commander custom attributes with values retrieved from an external server. For more information, see Run command workflows for no infrastructure targets.

You can also run command workflows on bulk resources that are targeted based on a saved search. For more information, see Run command workflows on bulk resources.

Run command workflows on specific infrastructure


Views > Inventory

Available to:

Administrator Access Rights

  1. Click the Infrastructure, Applications, or Custom Resources tab.
  2. From the Infrastructure, Applications or Custom Resources tab, select a service, cloud account, or Custom Resource.
  3. Select Actions > Run Workflow.
  4. In the Select A Workflow dialog, select a command workflow from the list.

    All command workflows for the selected service type or cloud account are displayed.

  5. Choose one of the following options:
    • Run the workflow immediately:
      1. Click Run.
      2. If the workflow was configured to prompt the user before running, a confirmation dialog appears; click Yes.

        The workflow steps start.

    • Run the workflow on a schedule:
      1. Click Schedule.
      2. In the Configure Scheduled Task wizard, enter the frequency, and the date, and time you want the workflow to run, then click Next.
      3. Review the configured schedule, then click Finish.
    • To edit the workflow schedule later, go to Tools > Scheduled Tasks. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks.
    • To view the status of the workflow, click the Workflows tab at the bottom of the Commander window. When a workflow starts, this tab turns orange. For more information, see View the Status of Workflows.

Run command workflows for no infrastructure targets


Configuration > Command Workflows

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

  1. On the Command Workflows tab, select a command workflow that's configured with a No Inventory Target.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Run the workflow immediately:
      1. Click Schedule > Run Now.
      2. If the workflow was configured to prompt the user before running, a confirmation dialog appears; click Yes.

        The workflow steps start.

    • Run the workflow on a schedule:
      1. Click Schedule.
      2. In the Configure Scheduled Task wizard, enter the frequency, date, and time you want the workflow to run, then click Next.
      3. Review the configured schedule, then click Finish.
      • To edit the workflow schedule later, go to Tools > Scheduled Tasks. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks.
      • To view the status of the workflow, click the Workflows tab at the bottom of the Commander window. When a workflow starts, this tab turns orange. For more information, see View the Status of Workflows.

Run command workflows on bulk resources

You can run command workflows on bulk resources that are targeted by search criteria. To run a bulk workflow, the search must only target VMs or virtual services. For information on running searches, see Search Cloud Data.

You can also schedule command workflows to run on bulk resources from the Schedule Tasks page. For more information, see Schedule command workflows to run on bulk resources.


Tools > Search

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

  1. On the Search tab, run a search that targets VMs or virtual services.
  2. On the Results tab, select Bulk Workflow.

  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • Click Run Now and choose a workflow in the Select A Workflow dialog.

      The workflow steps start.

    • Click Schedule.

      The Configure Scheduled Task wizard will open.

      1. On the Workflow and Saved Search page, choose a command workflow, enter a name to save the search, and choose a relevant Solution Category.
      2. On the Scheduling page, enter the frequency, date, and time you want the workflow to run.
      3. On the Summary page, review the configured schedule, then click Finish.
    • To edit the workflow schedule later, go to Tools > Scheduled Tasks. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks.
    • To view the status of the workflow, click the Workflows tab at the bottom of the Commander window. When a workflow starts, this tab turns orange. For more information, see View the Status of Workflows.

Schedule command workflows to run on bulk resources


Tools > Scheduled Tasks

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

  1. On the Schedule Tasks page, click Add.
  2. In the Configure Scheduled Task dialog, select Bulk Command Workflow, then click Next.
  3. On the Workflow and Saved Search page, choose a command workflow.
  4. Choose a saved search that targets the infrastructure you want the command workflow to run on, then click Next.

    For more information on saved searches, see Search Cloud Data.

    Bulk command workflows run on all infrastructure targeted by the chosen saved search, even if the infrastructure was added to Commander after the saved search was defined.

  5. On the Scheduling page, enter the frequency, date, and time you want to the workflow to run.

  6. On the Summary page, review the configured schedule, then click Finish.