Troubleshooting Cost Analytics

If you don’t see the costs you expect to see, or if no costs are visible, use the suggestions in this list to troubleshoot your setup.

  • Make sure all cost analytics prerequisites are fulfilled. See Set Up Cost Analytics. For public clouds you must have billing retrieval configured to display costs in your Cost Analytics and Billing Reports. If you have billing retrieval turned off, no public cloud costs will be displayed in your cost dashboard charts and billing reports.
  • Because costing information is updated nightly, the most recent cost shown is from the previous day for private clouds and from the day before yesterday for public clouds.
  • Check general Cost Analytics filters. As an extra check, turn off all the filters and see if all the items you expect are displayed.
  • Check the Cost Adjustments setting in the Edit Cost Filters dialog. If it's set to "Include Markups and Discounts", the costs you'll see are adjusted costs. Set it to "None" to see actual costs.
  • Empty charts may be the result of missing exchange rates. Contact your system administrator for more information.
  • If you can’t see certain organization-owned services, make sure you're signed in to the right organization.
  • Check the parent-child organization relationship. Services belonging to child organizations are visible to the parent organization. See Multiple Roles and Membership in Organizations.
  • If the problem is in the most expensive VMs table, click the icon at the top of that table and check the Configure Chart dialog. If the Only show VMs with downsizing recommendations checkbox is enabled, only the VMs with downsizing recommendations are displayed.
  • If you have recently upgraded, pre-upgrade billing data won’t be imported into the Cost Analytics view until the Saturday after the upgrade unless you edit the schedule for the database maintenance task. See Schedule Database Maintenance Task.
  • Costs may spike on the first day of the month because of business support costs, tax or other monthly charges. For AWS, these monthly costs may change during the month because they're calculated as a percentage of usage. At any time during the month, this change will be reflected retroactively in the first-day spike.
  • If a connection issue prevents billing data retrieval, Commander retrieves the missing data during the next nightly task.
  • If the problem is in the Service Portal:
  • If your bill doesn’t match the cost amounts displayed:
    • If you're creating a cost report, make sure you select the right currency for the report.
    • Make sure to select the right currency in Configuration > Preferences.
    • The Azure costs that are displayed in the Cost Analytics charts and tables don't include tax.

Notes for GCP

GCP charges aggregated CPU and memory usage costs, grouped by project and service type. GCP billing data doesn't include costs for individual VMs. Therefore, you may notice a few differences in the Details tables when you're managing GCP:

  • The Usage column may display more than 24 hours of Compute Engine usage, since this value is an aggregate for all VMs.
  • The Resource ID column displays the project ID for GCP.
  • The Service Name column displays the project name for GCP

Commander doesn't retrieve labels from GCP billing data.