View Alerts

You can use Commander alerts for troubleshooting purposes and to easily identify what's happening to other resources.

An alert is generated when a policy is triggered by a task or an event. For example, if an Expiry Policy is triggered, you can click the historical Alerts tab and from there move directly to the VM that's affected by the policy.

You can view current and historical alerts:

  • Current alerts — Alerts that are no more than five minutes old.
  • Historical alerts — Historical alerts include:
    • Every alert that occurred in your virtual infrastructure if you select the root element on the tree.
    • Every alert that affected the selected level of your virtual infrastructure.

Your view of alerts is based on your access rights. Alerts may occur in Commander that you don't have permission to view.


Views > Inventory > Infrastructure, Applications, or Storage

Available to:

All Access Rights Levels

  • To view current alerts, click the Alerts tab at the bottom of the Admin Portal, then click a current alert for more details.

    The pane is minimized by default, but your setting is preserved between sessions.

  • To view historical alerts, click the Alerts tab at top of console.
  • Information provided for alerts may include:

    • The type of alert, for example, a policy is triggered when a user attempts to deploy a suspect service.
    • The username of the account.
    • The time the alert was triggered.
    • Details about the alert.