Step 1: Create Change Requests

You can create many different change requests that Commander Admin Portal and Service Portal users may select when they want to request changes to their deployed services and resources.

You can customize change requests for your users' operational needs. You can also make change requests available to all users or limit their availability to specific users, groups and organizations.

Commander provides default change requests for decommissioning services and making changes to resources for a VM.

For detailed information on how to configure change requests, see Create Change Requests.

Design considerations

Do you need to present different organizations or groups with unique information? For example:

  • Do you need to track "business process" data, such as project codes or ticket numbers?
  • Will users be allowed to change CPU, memory or storage resources, or change the instance type?
  • Will users be able to change expiry dates, or specify that a service will never expire?
  • Do you need maintenance windows for automated fulfillment of changes requiring power-down?
  • Should some users be granted permission to specify when a change request will be fulfilled?
  • If you're managing Google Cloud Platform accounts, do you want to allow users to request custom instance types?

Best practices

Tailor your change request process to how knowledgeable your users are, and how much freedom you want to allow them. For example, requiring users to reconfigure resources through a change request ensures that the change can be reviewed and approved. However, you may want to grant power users permission to modify resources directly, as well as the ability to schedule change requests.

The same holds true for expiry extension. While you can also provide expiry extension through policy, the benefit of change requests is that you can configure an approval process.

Learn more

Change Request Configuration