Commander Windows Services

When Commander is installed, the following Windows services are started whenever you run Commander.

You can view and manage these services in the Windows Services Manager, as well as in the Snow Commander Control Panel.

Commander ServiceDescription

Commander (vlm)

The main Commander Windows service.

Commander Consul (vlm-consul)

The HashiCorp Consul agent used for service discovery and orchestration.

Commander Currency Service

The Commander Currency service.

Commander Database

The Commander Database service.

Commander Hyper-V Adapter (vlm-hyperv)

The Commander Hyper-V network adapter (created only if Hyper-V Manager exists on a VM).

Commander Identity Service (vlm-identity)

The Commander Identity service.

Commander LinkerD (vlm-linkerd)

The Commander LinkerD service mesh.

Commander Message Queue

The Commander message broker.

Commander Terraform Service

The Commander Terraform service.

When Commander is installed, an application called Erlang OTP is also installed and will appear in the list of programs on the Commander host. Erlang OTP should not be uninstalled.