8.10.6 Release Notes

Release date: 2022-04-19

The release notes for Snow Commander version 8.10.6 may include new features, upgrade notes, deprecated and removed features, resolved issues, and known issues. To access release notes for previous versions, go to the Release Notes Archive.

What's new

There are no new features for version 8.10.6.

Upgrade notes

You can upgrade to Commander version 8.10.6 from versions 8.0.0 - 8.10.5. See Upgrade Commander.

Important Upgrade Information:

Commander 8.10.6 includes an updated database SQL driver. This driver has new configuration requirements, which may result in issues during upgrades. If you're using the default SQL instance and port, no upgrade issues are expected. Please read the Upgrading to Commander 9.0 using SQL named instances or non-standard ports Knowledge Base article, if you're using a SQL named instance or a non-standard port. Note that this article applies to version 8.10.x as well as version 9.0. For help with the configuration, create a case through the Snow Support Portal.

Before upgrading, it's recommended that you review all release notes between the version you're currently using and the version you're upgrading to.

Deprecations and removals

There are no new deprecations or removals for version 8.10.6.

Resolved issues

  • 23656, 23606 For MS SQL, startup proceeds as expected when the database is configured with the appropriate port and instance names. See Upgrade notes for details.
  • 23565 The Control panel now launches and works as expected.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for version 8.10.6.