8.8.0 Release Notes

Release date: 2021-07-26

The release notes for Snow Commander version 8.8.0 include new features, upgrade notes, deprecated and removed features, resolved issues, and known issues. To access release notes for previous versions, go to the Release Notes Archive.

What's new

This release introduces the following improvements in Commander:

Upgrade notes

You can upgrade to Commander version 8.8.0 from versions 8.0.x - 8.7.x. See Upgrade Commander.

Before upgrading, it's recommended that you review all release notes between the version you're currently using and the version you're upgrading to. Release notes for previous Commander versions are available at Release Notes Archive.

Upgrading to version 8.8.0 from a previous version will affect the following:

  • After upgrade, currency will be configurable in all reports which show costs, and any previously saved reports will default to USD currency. This doesn’t apply to the VM Billing and Cloud Billing reports, which offered configurable currency in the last release.

Deprecations and removals

These are the deprecations and removals for version 8.8.0. Any deprecations or removals encountered in subsequent releases will be noted in the relevant release notes.


  • Support for SQL Server 2012 SP4 and SQL Server 2014 are deprecated as of version 8.7.0 and will be removed in a future release.
  • vCenter datastore scanning is deprecated, and this functionality will be removed in a future release.
  • Service Portal access for non-organizational users is deprecated, and this functionality will be removed in a future release.
  • VM Billing Report for Public Clouds: You can use the VM Billing Report for private cloud environments; however, for public or hybrid cloud environments it's recommended that you use the Cloud Billing Report. The ability to use the VM Billing Report for public clouds will be removed in a future release.
  • End of Life Policy, Suspect Policy, and Approval Policy and the relevant VM states are deprecated as of version 7.0.2 and will be removed in a future release.
  • Quarterly and weekly timespans for displaying costs in the Admin Portal and the Service Portal are being deprecated. The options that will remain for showing costs are Daily, Monthly, and Annually.

Resolved issues

  • 21134 Multi-cloud templates that include VMware templates with attached media can now be successfully added as components to the service catalog.
  • 20914 The Service Portal billing metadata cache has been optimized to improve performance.
  • 20366 A DNS cache vulnerability present in the vRouter deployed with fenced networks has been resolved.
  • 19766 Credentials added to a dynamic list script in a service form are no longer removed when the form is modified.
  • 19743 Units for computer storage and memory metrics (MB, GB, and TB) that are specified in change request forms now display as expected in both the Admin Portal and the Service Portal.

Known issues

These are the known issues for version 8.8.0. Any known issues encountered in subsequent releases will be noted in the relevant release notes.

  • 20314 Private cloud costs may not accurately reflect storage costs after a billing reset has been run against a private cloud account.

    It's recommended that you don't perform a billing reset on a private cloud without guidance from Snow Support.

  • 18280 The estimated license cost for an Azure SQL VM incorrectly displays the license cost on the SQL Server. It should display the license cost on the VM that the SQL Server is running on. Note that the actual costs for an Azure SQL VM are correctly displayed.
  • 16002 When the WebMKS console connection method is configured, Internet Explorer 11 users may be unable to see the mouse pointer in the console session.

    Workaround: To open a console to a Windows VM from Internet Explorer 11 when using WebMKS, try enabling mouse trails with the shortest option. Or, use the VMRC plug-in method instead of the WebMKS method. For Linux VMs, use the VMRC plug-in connection method. See Console connection methods to learn how to change the console connection method for HTML5 browsers.

  • 9223 In some cases, when you attempt to generate a Cloud Billing report and use the Group By option of Cost Adjustments, the report will fail to generate.