9.3.0 Release Notes

Release date: 2022-12-06

The release notes for Snow Commander® version 9.3.0 include new features and enhancements, upgrade notes, deprecated features, and corrections. To access release notes for previous versions, go to the Release Notes Archive.


This release introduces the following new features:


This release introduces the following enhancements to existing functionality:

Upgrade notes

You can upgrade directly to Commander version 9.3.0 from versions 8.9.x - 9.2.0. For more information, see Upgrade Commander.

Before upgrading, it is recommended that you review all release notes between the version you are currently using and the version you are upgrading to. Release notes for previous Commander versions are available in the Release Notes Archive.


  • 27159 The new Azure shared disk feature is not yet supported by the Commander billing system. To avoid miscalculation, shared disks attached to more than one VM are not associated with any VMs in Commander billing data.
  • 26760 VM searches for Guest OS versions Windows 2019 and 2022 now correctly return all records.
  • 26658 Failed workflows can now be successfully edited.
  • 26231 You can no longer add a custom attribute to a component form where the custom attribute is already selected by a Multi-Select element on the same form. This prevents users from setting conflicting values for the same custom attribute.

Deprecations and removals

These are the deprecations and removals for version 9.3.0.




Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is no longer supported. Support had been deprecated in version 8.7.0.




The VM Billing Report will soon be deprecated, with its functionality replaced by the Cloud Billing Report in a future release. In the interim prior to its removal, the VM Billing Report will no longer support public cloud; the Cloud Billing Report should be used for all public cloud billing.


The Join Domain Guest OS workflow step may no longer work as expected due to Microsoft hardening changes in Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), and this functionality will be removed in a future release. A functionally equivalent workflow module, Join Domain, has been created and can be downloaded from the Snow Software public Cloud Management GitHub repository.


Media library support is deprecated, and this functionality will be removed in a future release.


Splitting single service cost among multiple organizations.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Integration. Notification systems that use SNMP trap listeners must be updated.


Splunk integration. Rightsizing recommendations based on guest OS performance metrics are no longer supported.


Cost models for public cloud will no longer be targeted at anything below the account level. Cost models will still apply below accounts, but must be targeted at the account level.


VM Billing Report for public clouds: You can use the VM Billing Report for private cloud environments; however, for public or hybrid cloud environments it is recommended that you use the Cloud Billing Report. The ability to use the VM Billing Report for public clouds will be removed in a future release.


The /cloud-accounts/{id}/access-rights/{user} endpoints in the Commander API are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use /users/{name}/access-rights/cloud-accounts and /users/{name}/access-rights/datacenters instead.


Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is deprecated as of version 8.7.0 and will be removed in a future release.


vSphere datastore scanning is deprecated, and this functionality will be removed in a future release.


Service Portal access for non-organizational users is deprecated, and this functionality will be removed in a future release.


Quarterly and weekly timespans for displaying costs in the Admin Portal and the Service Portal are being deprecated. The options that will remain for showing costs are Daily, Monthly, and Annually.


End of Life Policy, Suspect Policy, and Approval Policy and the relevant VM states are deprecated as of version 7.0.2 and will be removed in a future release.

Known issues

To view any potential issues that have been raised by the Commander support team, go to the Known Issues section of the Snow Support Hub.