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Manage users

This section describes how to manage users in Snow Mobility Manager.

Users are created in Snow Device Manager by any of the following procedures:

  • By synchronization with an Active Directory.

  • By importing several users at the same time.

  • By manually adding a user.

When a user is created in Snow Device Manager, a user account is created. The user account can be used to log in to Snow Self Service and the Snow app.

View user

  1. On the Users menu, click View user.

  2. Type a keyword in the Search for user box and then select the user from the drop-down list.

    Information about the user, the user's activities, and the user's devices is displayed in the User view.


    The search will find all users that match a search criteria. However, the drop-down list shows only a limited number of search results. Therefore, the search criteria must be refined, for example by typing the full user name, to show the correct search result.

Add device to user

  1. Navigate to the User view for the user.

  2. Click Add device to user.

    The Register device view appears.

    Information about the user is automatically fetched from the Active Directory.

  3. Add a new device to the user according to Register device.

Reset password

The password for login to Snow Self Service and the Snow app can be reset for a local user, that is, for a user that is not synchronized with an Active Directory.

To reset the password:

  1. Navigate to the User view for the user.

  2. Click Reset password.

    An information message is displayed confirming the reset of the password.

    An email with the new password is sent to the user.

Lock or unlock user

A user account for Snow Self Service and the Snow App can be unlocked if the user accidentally has locked the account by repeatedly entering wrong user credentials in the mobile client.

It is also possible to prevent a specific user from enrolling the user's device in Snow Self Service or in the Snow App by locking the account.

To lock or unlock a user:

  1. Navigate to the User view for the user.

  2. Click Lock or Unlock.

Edit user


Only users that are not synchronized or controlled by another system or service can be edited.

To edit a user:

  1. Navigate to the User view for the user.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Edit user dialog appears.

  3. Edit the user information.

  4. Click Save.

View associated device

To view information about a user's device:

  1. Navigate to the User view for the user.

  2. Click View device to the right of the device.

    Information about the device is shown in the Device view.