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Users detail view

To show detailed information on a specific user, click the item in a list of users.

The top section of the detail view contains general information on the user.




Logged in


Number of applications used by the user.

Number of computers used by the user.

Number of devices used by the user.

Shows when the user was last logged in.

The bottom section of the detail view contains detailed information on the user. The information is presented in tabs according to the following table.




The applications that have been used by the user, as well as details concerning the usage.

An arrow ArrowRight to the left of the application name in the list is available for all applications with registered usage. Click the arrow to expand a graph of the usage.


Which computers the user has logged on to and when.

The list includes both computers and servers, such as Citrix and Terminal Server.

Mobile devices

Which mobile devices that are registered on the user.


General information on the user.

The information is grouped by information type. Note that some information is maintained manually and is therefore not available until registered.


The devices (not inventoried computers) from which this user has run applications.

Application rights

The applications that the user has been given application use rights to.

Subscription plans

The Microsoft 365 subscription plans that has been assigned to the user. 

Definition of Active last:

  • 7 days: The user has been active during the last 7 days.

  • 30 days: The user has been active during the last 8 to 30 days.

  • 90 days: The user has been active during the last 31 to 90 days.

  • 180 days: The user has been active during the last 91 to 180 days.

  • 365 days: The user has been active during the last 181 to 365 days.


Uploaded documents and links related to the user.

For more information, see Manage documents and links.