
Once you have finished setting options for each component in the service, on the Deployment page you must specify deployment options for the entire service.



Deploy Service As

Selecting Virtual Service means this service will be deployed as a vApp; you can manage the service as a whole after the service request has been completed, but Service Portal users will still be able to see and manage individual VMs within the vApp. Selecting Individual Components means that the service will be deployed as individual VMs.

When creating a service that contains a single virtual service component, choose Individual Components. Otherwise, the service will be deployed as a virtual service within a virtual service.

Deployed Name

When you choose to deploy the service as a virtual service, you can specify a customized name for deployed instances of this service. Select Use default naming format to use the default virtual service naming convention, or specify a customized deployed name.

When you choose to deploy as Individual Components, it's not possible to specify a deployed name for the service, because only components are deployed (the service itself isn't deployed).

Click Configure global text replacement rules to shorten your service names. See also Set up text replacement rules for service names.

Deployment/Startup Order


Deployment Order

Applies only to VM and virtual service components. Some components in a multi-tier service may require other components to be started and running before they can start.

If you choose to deploy the service as a virtual service, you specify both the order in which the components are deployed and the order in which the components are started.

If you choose to deploy the service as individual components, you specify the order in which the components are deployed.

Within each group, components are sorted in alphabetical order.

The reverse order is used for shutdown.

There is a 120 second delay between startup and shutdown of each component. There is no delay for deployment, but components are deployed serially, not in parallel.

An administrator can override this deployment order by manually deploying components in a different order.

Commander and Service Portal users with permissions can edit the start order for a deployed vApp.

Completion Workflow

If you have set up one or more service-level completion workflows, you can select one from the drop-down menu.

Completion workflows allow you to specify actions to be carried out after deployment.

You can click Add Workflow to create a new workflow.

You can click Edit Workflow to edit the workflow that's currently selected in the drop-down list. Note that when you edit the workflow using this link, you're editing the workflow for all of the components or services it's assigned to.

Start Deployed Components

By default, VMs are powered on during deployment. If you want to deploy VMs in this service in a powered-off state, disable this option.

When this option is disabled and a customization spec is assigned to a component in the service, if the VM is migrated to a different datastore before its first power on, the customization spec won't run.

What's next?

When you have finished, click Next to go to the Placement in the wizard.