Manage Policies

Commander policies ensure that you have control over your virtual infrastructure and costs.

The policies that you can configure in Commander are:

  • Expiry Policy: Identify and control services based on an expiry date, allowing you to ensure that you're not paying for unused services.
  • Default Attributes Policy: Automatically configure a workflow to set attributes when a new workload is deployed on a section of infrastructure for reporting, or searching later. As well as setting an Expiry Date x days from the date it was created.
  • Default Ownership Policy: Automatically set the primary owner, IT contact, and other owners of a service, ensuring that you can track who's incurring service costs.
  • Tag Compliance Policy: Ensure that all services have required metadata, so that you can track who's incurring service costs
  • Unapproved Policy (deprecated): Identify and control services based on approval state, allowing you to mandate that Commander brokers all access to the cloud account.
  • End of Life Policy (deprecated): Identify and control services marked as having reached end-of-life.
  • Suspect Policy (deprecated): Identify and control services marked as suspect
  • Virtual services can't be controlled by Commander policy.
  • Each policy affects templates in different ways. See the detailed information on templates in each policy topic.
  • Policy actions always send alerts. You can configure these alerts to be sent by email to Commander accounts. You can configure these alerts to be sent to SNMP traps (see Manage SNMP Servers) or by email to Commander accounts. In addition, alerts about services that are affected by the Expiry policy can be sent by email to the primary owner and the IT contact (see Subscribe to Policy Alerts).

Edit policies


Configuration > Policies

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

Administrator Access Rights

  1. On the Configuration page, select the policy you want to edit, and click Edit.
  2. In the Policy Configuration wizard, follow the wizard and make any changes you want.

Delete policies


Configuration > Policies

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

Administrator Access Rights

Verify the impact on your virtualized infrastructure before you delete a policy.

  1. On the Configuration page, select a policy.
  2. Click Delete, and confirm the change.

    The policy is removed from the list of policies on the Policy Configuration window.

Review services affected by a policy

If you've been notified that the policy you set up will affect services immediately, you'll see a Review hyperlink on the policy wizard Summary page.

  • Click Review to see exactly what services are affected and which actions will be performed.
  • Click OK to return to the Summary page of the policy wizard, where you can make any appropriate changes or finish setting up the policy.

Manage policies when adding new hosts

If you add a new host that contains VMs to Commander, and if the Unapproved policy is configured and enabled, the policy can trigger on the new VMs.

To avoid triggering policy, perform these tasks:

  1. Disable the policy in Commander before you add the host and the VMs.
  2. Approve the VMs.
  3. Re-enable the policy.