Month-to-Date Cost

The Month-to-date Cost chart and table help you to predict what your total costs will be at the end of the month. They also help you to understand if your costs are growing over the previous month, and give you a chance to intervene if this is unexpected.


Views > Cost Analytics > Summary tab

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Click the Table icon to see the table view and the Chart icon to see the chart view. Use the general Cost Analytics filters to view subsets of the month-to-date costs. This is useful for forecasting the predicted costs for a single service type. Click to download the month-to-date costs in XLS format.

When unfiltered, the Month-to-date Cost chart shows:

  • Cumulative costs of the previous month (gray solid line).
  • Costs from the beginning of the current month until yesterday for private clouds and until the day before yesterday for public clouds (blue solid line).
  • Predicted costs for the remainder of the current month (dotted line). The predicted cost is calculated using a linear regression algorithm on the daily cost value.

In the Month-to-date Cost chart, you can:

  • Hover over lines in the chart to see basic cost details for each day.
  • Click the lines of the chart to view the Daily Cost for each day and a breakdown of individual daily costs. To go back to Month-to-date Costs, click the Summary tab.
  • Click the chart legend to show or hide the corresponding line in the chart.

When unfiltered, the Month-to-date Cost table shows costs for either the current month or the previous month for Service Types, Charge Types, or Categories. Cost categories include custom attribute costs for private cloud VMs.

If you don’t see the costs you expect to see, or if no costs are visible, see Troubleshooting Cost Analytics.