Default Namespace
type description
mapEntries Map entry internal class.
AppliedAttribute An application of a custom attribute, containing information about the custom attribute and the value that has been applied.
Attribute A custom attribute that has been defined in vCommander. Once defined, a custom attribute can be applied to a server inventory item.
AttributeEnumValue Represents an allowed value for a WSAttribute.
CustomAttribute A custom attribute
CustomAttributeBase Base class for all managed objects.
CustomAttributeCollection A custom attribute collection
Group A group that has been defined in vCommander
GroupCollection Collection of groups.
GroupType The types of groups available in V-Commander.
SecurityGroup Security group
SublistCustomAttribute A sub-list custom attribute
AppliedPlacementAttribute Captures the relationship between a placement attribute and the target that placement attribute is applied to. This includes the ordered list of applied attribute values.
PlacementAttribute One of the two types of placement attributes - this placement attribute's allowed values are simply a list. By identifying the capabilities of each deployment destination and the requirements of a service, placement attributes help ensure that service requests are deployed to the best destination. For example, placement attributes can help vCommander decide whether to deploy to public or private cloud, or which datacenter or geographic region is best suited to a service.
PlacementAttributeBase Properties common to both placement attributes and sublist placement attributes. By identifying the capabilities of each deployment destination and the requirements of a service, placement attributes help ensure that service requests are deployed to the best destination. For example, placement attributes can help vCommander decide whether to deploy to public or private cloud, or which datacenter or geographic region is best suited to a service.
PlacementAttributeCollection A collection of placement attributes
SublistPlacementAttribute One of the two types of placement attributes. Sublist placement attributes' allowed values are represented by a map between this attribute's own allowed values and which value they correspond to in the specified parent placement attribute. By identifying the capabilities of each deployment destination and the requirements of a service, placement attributes help ensure that service requests are deployed to the best destination. For example, placement attributes can help vCommander decide whether to deploy to public or private cloud, or which datacenter or geographic region is best suited to a service.
AttributeBillingRecord A custom cost attribute billing record (a portion of the full billing record)
CostAllocationBillingRecord A cost allocation record (a portion of the full billing record).
StorageBillingRecord A storage billing record (a portion of the full billing record).
VMBillingRecord A VM billing record.
AccessOption The Enum WSAccessOption.
ConfigValue The Class WSConfigValue.
ConfigurationItem A configuration item used to define settings for the Portal or vCommander.
ConfigurationItemCollection A collection of configuration items.
DatastoreFillingStrategy Strategy to control how datastore are picked when provisioning a new VM or vApp. Regardless of the strategy, a datastore without sufficient space under the threshold will not be selected
EnumPlacementPriority Dictates what gets priority when placement algorithm runs
GlobalProvisioningSpec Global configuration for provisioning - naming, datastore provisioning, and multi-service requests.
PlaintextConfigValue A configuration value used to populate a unencrypted config item used to define configuration settings for the Portal or vCommander.
PortalMotdProperties Contains the portal MOTD settings.
RemoteConnectionConfiguration A object detailing the remote proxy configuration details.
SMTPConfiguration SMTP Configuration for REST webservices. NB: At time of original writing, this was only exposed via the internal REST API, for purposes of getting an integration test working. As such, it only has the bar minimum of data members. If this is exposed in the public API need to add the other properties in the facade's SMTPConfiguration.
ServiceState Enum of states in which a vCommander service can be in
SystemStatus Provides the current state of the service (active or standby) and whether the service is healthy
VmConnectionOptions A object detailing the remote proxy commands enabled for vcommander or portal users.
AttributeCostItem This class represents the attribute cost item
CostModelCollection Collection class of WSCostModel items
OperatingSystemCost This class represents the support cost
PricingPlan Enumerator representing the pricing plan
ServiceMarkupDiscount Represents service cost markup or discount. The global markup/discount has "Global Default" service name.
StorageCostCalculationType Enumerator representing the storage cost calculation
StorageTierCost This class represents the storage tier cost
SupportCost This class represents the support cost
UptimeCalc This class represents the uptime calculation
UptimeCalcType Enumerator representing the VM uptime calculation
Credential A shared credential.
CredentialCollection A collection of shared credentials.
CredentialType The Enum WSCredentialType.
Event A current event in V-Commander. These events are returned to the caller if they are watching for new events to appear. For example, "tell me about all new policy alerts".
EventCollectionWrapper A wrapper class to contain a collection of event. Introduced to assist with making the webservices available to a larger variety of clients.
EventSeverityType The possible severities for an event
BlueCatServer Represents a BlueCat server.
ConsoleProxy Represents the configuration of a console proxy.
ExternalServer The Class WSExternalServer.
ExternalServerCollection A collection of external servers.
ExternalServerMetadata External server (integration) metadata.
PublicCloudProxyServer Represents a Public Cloud Proxy.
PuppetServer Represents a Puppet Master.
SnmpReceiver Represents an SNMP receiver than can receive traps from vCommander.
SplunkServer Represents a Splunk server.
VMwareConsole Represents the settings for the VMware Console connections (non-proxied)
IPPoolNetworkConfig An IP pool network configuration.
IpPool An Ip pool.
IpPoolCollection A collection of Ip pools.
Ipv4Range An IP pool range .
ManagedObject Base class for all managed objects.
ManagedObjectCollection A collection of managed objects
ManagedObjectReference A reference to a managed object. Contains enough information to uniquely identify the object in V-Commander.
ManagedObjectReferenceCollection A collection of managed object references.
ManagedObjectType The types of managed objects.
MediaFileMountSpec Parameters required to mount a media file.
MediaFolder A media folder.
MediaFolderCollection A collection of media folders.
MediaFolderIssue The Enum WSMediaFolderIssue.
EventQueueStats Statistics about the event queue that may be used for monitoring health of the event system.
ObservationQueueStats Statistics about the observation queue that may be used for monitoring health of the observation system.
Network Virtual Network.
NetworkType Network type.
NetworkZone Network zone.
VMRequestNetworking VM request network zone

A simple object that represents a more complex object.

Note: This OBJECT is not the same as the complex object.

The complex object does not extends this object. This object is merely a representation, thus the name. This is not managed object reference as it's not a managed object.

CostAllocation A cost allocation.
CostAllocationCollection A collection of cost allocations.
CostQuota Cost quota. Applicable for organization and organization members
Organization The Class WSOrganization.
OrganizationCollection A collection of organizations.
OrganizationUser A member of an organization.
QuotaStatistics Represents the organization quota (limits and available)
ReservedQuota Represents quota that has been reserved for a particular organization or organization member in context of a service request (new service or change request).
ReservedQuotaCollection A collection of quota reservations.
ReservedTierQuota Represents the amount of storage reserved on a particular tier.
ResourceQuota A resource quota. Applicable for organization and organization members
StorageTierQuota This class represents the storage tier quota
OwnerInfo An owner that can be applied to a virtual machine.
ComplianceData A collection of compliance data.
CompliancePolicy Compliance policy.
ComplianceRequirement Holds compliance requirements for the Compliance policy.
DefaultAttributesPolicy Default attributes policy.
DefaultOwnershipPolicy Default ownership policy.
EOLPolicy The Class WSEOLPolicy.
ExpiryExtension Expiry date extension.
ExpiryNotifications Expiry notifications.
ExpiryPolicy The Class WSExpiryPolicy.
IntervalAndPolicyAction A pairing of an interval and associated action.
Policy Policy.
PolicyAction The Class WSPolicyAction.
PolicyActionType The Enum WSPolicyActionType.
PolicyType The Enum WSPolicyType.
PolicyWorkflowAction The Class WSPolicyWorkflowAction.
SuspectPolicy The Class WSSuspectPolicy.
TreeViewType Tree view type.
UnapprovedPolicy The Class WSUnapprovedPolicy.
ARMDeploymentDestination A Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployment destination.
AWSDeploymentDestination A AWS deployment destination.
DeploymentDestination A provisioning destination.
DeploymentDestinationCollection A collection of deployment destination.
DiskFormat VM Disk format.
FencedNetworkConfig A fenced network configuration.
GCPDeploymentDestination A GCP deployment destination.
HPCloudDeploymentDestination A HPCloud deployment destination.
SCVMMDeploymentDestination A SCVMM deployment destination.
SwitchBinding Physical network binding.
VMWareDeploymentDestination A VMWare deployment destination.
Region A region.
AccessMode The access mode for a published service component nic.
AddressMode The address mode for a published service component nic.
CatalogConfig Used to change the published state of a service catalog entry.
CatalogState The state of the service catalog entry.
ChangeRequestParam Change request parameters.
ChangeRequestTargetType An enum for documenting the target type associated with a change request.
ChefResource The published service component resource defaults for Chef.
CloudTemplateDeployType If deploying a cloud template (CFT or ARM Template), this lets you specify what type of deployment you want.
CloudTemplateDescriptor A description of where to find a cloud template - either a URL, or the body itself.
CloudTemplateParameter A parameter that must be passed to a generic cloud template during deploy - provides user input and is generally required for the deploy to complete successfully. The value set in here is part of the blueprint, and will be used as input to the template deployment. These are not directly exposed to the end user at request submission time. Instead, if you wish user input to the parameter, set the value to a variable that points to an existing input element on the form. An example is: #{form.inputField['DNS Label']}
CloudTemplateParameterCollection A collection of cloud template parameters
Comment A comment.
CommentCollection A collection of comments.
CpuResource CPU resource
CredentialsResource Credential resource
CustomComponentType A custom component type.
CustomComponentTypeCollection A custom component type collection.
DatacenterCollection A datacenter collection.
DeployedService A service that was deployed from a service request.
DeployedServiceComponent A single component of a deployed service. Contains information about the target, as well as the completion workflow that was run.
DeploymentParams Parameters for the deployment of a service and component.
DiskResource Disk resource
DisplayType The Display Type.
FormComponentType The Request Form type.
FormElementType A form element type.
InstanceTypeResource Instance Type resource
KeyPairResource Models an AWS key pair resource. A key pair resource can be configured when creating a published service from an AWS template.
MemoryResource Memory resource
MultiplePSDeployParamCollection Parameters for the deployment of multiple services Thinh Dinh.
NetworkAdapterResource Network adapter
NetworkResource Network resource
OrganizationVisibility Organization visibility options.
    Can be:
  • All Organizations
  • Requester Organizations
  • Custom list
Ownership Ownership information for inventory item.
PSDeployParamCollection Parameters for the deployment of a service.
PortForwardPair Port forwarding information for a published service component
PortMapping VM endpoint.
PublicIpResource Public Ip resource
PublishedService A published service.
PublishedServiceCollection A collection of published services.
PublishedServiceComponent A component in published service.
PublishedServiceComponentNIC NIC information for a nic of a component in published service.
PublishedServiceComponentSettings Settings for published service component.
PublishedServiceDeployParam Deployment parameters for a new service request.
PublishedServiceResourceSummary A summary of a published service's CPU, memory, storage and costs.
PuppetResource The published service component resource defaults for Puppet.
Request A service request.
RequestAssignment A service request user assignment.
RequestCollection A collection of service requests.
RequestForm A service request form.
RequestFormArmDiskElement The ARM Disk element of a service request form.
RequestFormArmInstanceTypeElement This is the instance type form element specifically for ARM. This is its own class to mirror the existence of an ArmInstanceTypeElement model. It is needed so round trip conversion from server to client to server preserves the distinction between the generic InstanceTypeElement and the ARM specific instance type element.
RequestFormAttributePickListElement Allows you to add any list-type custom attribute that is configured to apply only to forms. The required properties are: label attributeName mandatory allowMultiple
RequestFormAwsDiskElement The Aws Disk element of a service request form.
RequestFormAwsInstanceTypeElement This is the instance type form element specifically for AWS. This is its own class to mirror the existence of an AwsInstanceTypeElement model. It is needed so round trip conversion from server to client to server preserves the distinction between the generic InstanceTypeElement and the AWS specific instance type element.
RequestFormCPUElement The CPU element of a service request form.
RequestFormChefPickListElement The Chef pick element of a service request form. For legacy form, the required properties are: label mandatory allowMultiple externalServerMetadta For blueprint form, the required properties are: label mandatory allowMultiple externalServerMetadta allowOverrideDefaultValues availableValues
RequestFormChefRunListElement The Chef pick element of a service request form. For legacy form, the required properties are: label mandatory externalServerMetadta For blueprint form, the required properties are: label mandatory allowMultiple externalServerMetadta allowOverrideDefaultValues availableValues
RequestFormCollection A collection of request forms.
RequestFormCredentialsElement Credentials form element.
RequestFormDestinationElement The Destination element of a service request form. Setting the Mandatory property forces a destination to be chosen or the request will fail; if it is not set, the system will decide which is the most suitable destination.
RequestFormDiskElement The Disk element of a service request form.
RequestFormDynamicListElement Dynamic List form element.
RequestFormElement Base interface for all request form elements.
RequestFormElementCollection A collection of request form elements.
RequestFormEstimatedCostElement The Cost element of a service request form.
CostInterval The cost interval.
RequestFormExpiryDateElement The Expiry Date element of a service request form.
RequestFormFileUploadElement The 'Upload Form' element of a service request form.
RequestFormHeaderElement The Header element of a service request form.
headerTagName Header tag name.
RequestFormInstanceTypeElement Instance type form element.
RequestFormMemoryElement The Memory element of a service request form.
RequestFormNetworkElement The Network form element.
RequestFormOrganizationElement The Organization element of a request form.
RequestFormPickListElement The Pick List element of a service request form. Can be backed by custom attributes or integration server metadata such as Puppet classes and groups
RequestFormPrimaryOwnerElement The Primary Owner element of a service request form.
RequestFormPuppetPickListElement The Puppet pick list element of a service request form. For legacy form, the required properties are: label mandatory allowMultiple externalServerMetadta For blueprint form, the requires properties are: label mandatory allowMultiple externalServerMetadta allowOverrideDefaultValues availableValues
RequestFormRequiredByElement The Required By element of a service request form.
RequestFormScheduleElement Form Schedule Element
RequestFormServiceInstanceCountElement The Instance Count element of a service request form.
RequestFormTextFieldElement The Text Input Field element of a service request form.
RequestFormVMNameElement The VM Name element of a service request form.
RequestedComponent A requested component.
RequestedComponentCollection A collection of requested components.
RequestedComponentState The state of a requested component.
RequestedService A requested service.
RequestedServiceCollection A collection of requested services.
RequestedServiceState The current state of a service within a request.
RuntimeServerCollection A collection of hosts.
ServiceCategory A service catalog category.
ServiceCategoryCollection A collection of service catalog categories.
ServiceDeployType The deployment type for the published service.
ServiceRequestLink A service request link.
ServiceType Service type.
StorageReservationCollection Collection of storage reservations
StorageResource Network resource
VMEndpoint VM endpoint.
VMInstanceType VM instance type.
VMInstanceTypeCollection The Class WSVMInstanceTypeCollection.
VMRequestAttribute An attribute that has been applied to a VM request.
VMRequestDisk The disk requested for a VM.
VMRequestState VM Request state.
VMRequestType The type of service request.
VirtualAppCollection A collection of virtual apps.
VirtualMachineCollection A collection of virtual machines.
ActiveSession Represents a user session that is currently logged into the vCommander UI, portal UI, or webservices.
ActiveSessionCollection A container for a list of active session.
ContextRoleAssignment A context role assignment.
RoleAssignments Account role assignment
RolePermission List of permissions that can be assigned to roles.
RoleType The role type.
SessionInfoCollection A collection of accounts.
UserDirectoryType Type of user directory
ApprovalState The approval states of a virtual machine.
Cluster A cluster.
ComputeResource A compute resource.
DataStoreType The possible types for a datastore.
Datacenter A datacenter.
Datastore A datastore.

Represents a storage location for virtual machine files. A storage location can be a VMFS volume, a directory on Network Attached Storage, or a local file system path.

Derived from WSDataStore, using the url as the unique key.

This is a V-Commander scoped view of a Datastore, as opposed to the Datacenter-scoped view provided by WSDataStore.

DatastoreCluster A datastore cluster.
DatastoreHostMount The mounting of a datastore on a runtime server.
ExpiryIntervals The expiry states for a virtual machine.
Folder A folder in the server inventory; folders can exist in a number of locations in the tree and be nested to arbitrary levels.
FolderCollection A collection of folder.
GenericResource WS equivalent of GenericResource
LoadBalancer A Load Balancer.
LoadBalancerHealthParameters Health Parameters of a Load Balancer
ManagementServer A management server being managed by the system.
ManagementServerCollection A collection of management servers.
ManagementServerInfo Information about a management server.
ManagementServerType The types of systems that can be managed directly by V-Commander.
OperationalState Possible operational states for a virtual machine.
RemoteAccessSettings The details related to establishing a session (Console, RDP, etc.) to a VirtualMachine
ReplicationType The possible type of a Datastore's ReplicationType
ResourcePool A resource pool.
RuntimeServer A host.
RuntimeServerConnectionState The connection state for a runtime server (ESX).
ServerInventoryItem A base class for all server inventory items. Contains properties that are common to all of these items.
Stack A stack in the server inventory.
StackError WS equivalent of ApplicationStackError
StackErrorSeverity The level of severity of this error
StackOutput WS equivalent of StackOutput
UnknownServerInventoryItem An unknown server inventory item; this is for forward compatibility of the API.

A vApp, which is a collection of virtual machines that are operated and monitored as a unit.

Note that WSVirtualApp extends WSResourcePool so any call that takes or returns a resource pool also works with a virtual app.

VirtualMachine A virtual machine.
VirtualMachineConnectionState The connection state for a virtual machine.
VirtualMachineDevice A device that is associated with a virtual machines. Can be a disk or a network interface card.
VirtualMachineDisk A virtual disk drive attached to a VM.
VirtualMachineDiskType The type of a virtual disk.
VirtualMachineExistsOnDisk Whether the virtual machine's backing files exist on disk.
VirtualMachineNIC The VM's NIC.
VirtualMachineSharesLevel The type of shares levels for a resource. The shares level may have different meanings for different resources.
VirtualMachineSnapshot A VM snapshot
VirtualMachineSnapshotCollection A collection of VM snapshots.
VirtualMachineState The possible power states for a virtual machine.
VirtualMachineToolsState The possible states of the VMware Tools running in the guest operating system.
TaskInfo Describes the state of a task. Returned by calls that result in long-running tasks being created so that the caller can request later updates to the task state.
TaskInfoCollection A collection of task info.
TaskState The possible states for a task.
ObservationPlayback DTO describing currently playing observation record.
ObservationPlaybackCollection DTO describing a collection of WSObservationPlayback objects
ObservationRecordCollection DTO describing a collection of available observation recording filenames
wsServerInventoryItemCollection DTO representing a collection of WSServerInventoryItem objects.
Account An account.
AccountCollection A collection of accounts.
ContextRole The Class WSContextRole.
Role Represents a Role.
RoleCollectionWrapper The Class WSRoleCollectionWrapper.
SecuritySourceType Security Source Types.
ShareOptions Share VM options.
ShareResult Share VM result.
AutoChangeFulfillmentFormOption Auto fulfillment option for workflow definition form.
AutoChangeFulfillmentRule Automation option for Change Request approval workflow.
AutoChangeFulfillmentRuleOption Form assignment for Change Request approval workflow.
ChangeApprovalWorkflowDefinition A change request approval workflow definition.
ChangeCompletionWorkflowDefinition A change request completion workflow definition.
CloudTemplateCompletionWorkflowDefinition A Cloud Formation Template completion workflow definition.
ComponentCompletionWorkflowDefinition A component completion workflow definition.
IpSourceType The source of IP assignment.
NewApprovalWorkflowDefinition A new request approval workflow definition.
PSServiceCompletionWorkflowDefinition A service completion workflow definition.
RunningWorkflow A running workflow.
RunningWorkflowCollection A collection of running workflows.
ServiceWorkflowDefinition A service workflow definition.
SharedVMCompletionWorkflowDefinition Completion workflow definition for a Shared VM.
UnmanagedCompletionWorkflowDefinition Completion workflow definition for an unmanaged component.
VAppCompletionWorkflowDefinition A vApp completion workflow definition.
WorkflowAcknowledgementStep A workflow acknowledgement step.
WorkflowAcknowledgementStepDefinition A workflow acknowledgement step definition.
WorkflowAction A workflow action.
WorkflowApprovalScriptStep A workflow approval script step.
WorkflowApprovalScriptStepDefinition A workflow approval script step definition.
WorkflowApproverStep A workflow approval step.
WorkflowApproverStepDefinition A workflow approval step definition.
WorkflowChefAction A Chef workflow step action
WorkflowChefStep A Chef workflow step
WorkflowChefStepDefinition A Chef workflow step
WorkflowConfigureNetworkStep A workflow configure networking step.
WorkflowConfigureNetworkStepDefinition Configure Networking Workflow Step Definition.
WorkflowCopyFileStep A workflow copy file step.
WorkflowCopyFileStepDefinition A workflow copy file step definition.
WorkflowCopyUploadedFilesStepDefinition A 'copy uploaded files' step definition.
WorkflowCreateFileStep A workflow create file step.
WorkflowCreateFileStepDefinition A workflow create file step definition.
WorkflowCustomAttributeStep A workflow custom attribute step.
WorkflowCustomAttributeStepDefinition A workflow custom attribute step definition.
WorkflowCustomizeVMStepDefinition A workflow Customize VM step definition.
WorkflowDecomissionGuestNetworkStepDefinition A workflow Decomission Network step definition.
WorkflowDefinition A workflow definition.
WorkflowDefinitionCollection A collection of workflow definitions.
WorkflowEmailStep A workflow email step.
WorkflowEmailStepDefinition A workflow email step definition.
WorkflowExpiryDateStep A workflow expiry date step.
WorkflowExpiryDateStepDefinition A workflow expiry date step definition.
WorkflowGroupStepDefinition A workflow custom attribute step definition.
WorkflowJoinDomainStep A workflow join domain step.
WorkflowJoinDomainStepDefinition Join Domain Workflow Step Definition.
WorkflowMigrateSource A workflow Migrate source.
WorkflowMigrateStep A workflow Migrate VM step.
WorkflowMigrateStepDefinition A workflow Migrate VM step definition.
WorkflowOwnershipStep A workflow ownership step.
WorkflowOwnershipStepDefinition A workflow ownership step definition.
WorkflowPowerAction A workflow power action.
WorkflowPowerStep A workflow power step.
WorkflowPowerStepDefinition A workflow power step definition.
WorkflowPuppetAction A puppet workflow step action
WorkflowPuppetStep A Puppet workflow step
WorkflowPuppetStepDefinition A Puppet workflow step definition
WorkflowQuotaApprovalStep A workflow quota approval step.
WorkflowQuotaApprovalStepDefinition A workflow quota approval step definition.
WorkflowRemoteCommandStep A workflow remote command step.
WorkflowRemoteCommandStepDefinition A workflow remote command step definition.
WorkflowRemoveAction A workflow remove action.
WorkflowRemoveStep A workflow remove step.
WorkflowRemoveStepDefinition A workflow remove step definition.
WorkflowRestStepDefinition A workflow REST step definition.
WorkflowSSHCommandStepDefinition Execute SSH workflow step definition
WorkflowScriptStep A workflow script step.
WorkflowScriptStepDefinition A workflow script step definition.
WorkflowStatus The status of a workflow.
WorkflowStep A workflow step.
WorkflowStepCollection A collection of workflow steps.
WorkflowStepDefinition The Class WSWorkflowStepDefinition.
WorkflowStepDefinitionCollection A collection of workflow step definitions.
WorkflowStepType A workflow step type.
WorkflowType A workflow type.
WorkflowVirtualNetworkAction A Virtual Network Action
WorkflowVirtualNetworkSource Indicates where to obtain the network from
WorkflowVirtualNetworkStep A workflow step.
WorkflowVirtualNetworkStepDefinition The Class WSWorkflowStepDefinition.
WorkflowWaitFor A workflow Wait For action.
WorkflowWaitStep A workflow Wait For step.
WorkflowWaitStepDefinition A workflow Wait For step definition.