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Device owner enrollment

This section describes enrollment of devices with Android 9.0 or higher versions.

Enroll with QR code

You can enroll a registered device by scanning a QR code.

  1. Turn on the device.

  2. On the Welcome screen, tap Welcome eight times.

    This will launch the QR Reader.

  3. Scan the enrollment QR code.

  4. Connect to a network.

  5. Tap Next.

  6. Tap Accept and continue.

  7. Tap Next.

  8. To complete the enrollment, follow the on-screen instructions in the Snow app.

Enroll with Android for work

  1. Turn on the device.

  2. On the Welcome screen, select your language.

  3. Connect to your wireless network (or proceed with mobile network), and then tap Next.

  4. Accept the Google Terms and conditions, and then tap Next.

  5. On the Google sign-in screen, enter afw#snow instead of a Gmail account, and then tap Next.

  6. In This device belongs to your organization, tap Next.

  7. In Let´s set up you work device, tap Accept.

  8. In This device isn´t private, tap Next to approve.

  9. To complete the enrollment, follow the on-screen instructions in the Snow app and enroll the device using user credentials, company code and PIN, or server address and PIN.