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This changelog describes updates to the product information with relevant product releases.


Product version



Not related to a release

The list of attribute names in Attribute Names topic has been moved into an example to clarify that the list does not cover all the attributes provide in BMC and is only a reference.

The connector configuration topic has been updated to highlight the filtering criterion that is available for the users to choose from, before setting up the filtering feature in the connector UI.


Snow Integration Manager 5.50

  • Reworked the Attribute names and Configure the BMC Discovery connector topics.

  • Added additional information on the Filter preview functionality to the Attribute names and the connector configuration procedure.


Snow Integration Manager 5.46

Replicated inventory information: New XML field added for the Number of logical processors in the Processor section.


Snow Integration Manager 5.43

Prerequisites: Updated the section to include the latest compatibility testing done.

Replicated inventory information: Updated the Software (SoftwareInstance) and the Software (Runtime Environment) tables.


Snow Integration Manager 5.42

Updates and additions were added to the Replicated inventory information tables.


Snow Integration Manager 5.38

Removed Introduction topic and moved Prerequisites to the Connector configuration topic.


Not related to a release

Added descriptions to the front page of BMC Discovery.


Snow Integration Manager 5.35

Updated connector connection type from XML API to REST API.

Added link to the Compatibility Matrix for supported versions of BMC Helix Remedy in Prerequisites.