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SaaS Generic connector data in Snow License Manager

SaaS - Generic connector provides similar data as the other SaaS connectors do, provided that the corresponding information is exported from the SaaS provider solution into the JSON format, and subsequently read by the SaaS generic connector. The data is sent to Snow License Manager. It consists of the properties and objects that are described in the following sections. All tables are in the gsd schema.

Provider account

Field in SaaS - Generic


Field in Snow License Manager

Creation date (Connector GUI)

Date when the SaaS account was created

tblAccountInstance -> CreationDate

Account Id (Connector GUI)

Unique id for the connector instance

tblAccountInstance -> Id

Connector name

Name of the connector instance

tblAccountInstance -> Name

Account type - object (Connector GUI)

Object with additional information about the SaaS account


Aggregation start date (Connector generated)

Date and time of the data aggregation start

tblAccountInstanceImport -> AggregationDate

Subscriptions (JSON file)

List of subscriptions for the SaaS product


Users (JSON file)

List of SaaS product users



Field in SaaS - Generic


Field in Snow License Manager

Account Type Id (Connector GUI)

Internal id unique for every SaaS provider

tblAccountType -> Id

Product Name (Connector GUI)

Name of the SaaS product

tblAccountType -> AccountTypeName

Has last user activity (Connector generated)

Specifies if the date of the last user activity is included in the response

tblAccountType -> HasLastUserActivityDate

Vendor Name (Connector GUI)

Name of the SaaS provider

tblAccountType -> ProviderName

Thumbnail (Connector GUI)

SaaS product logo

tblAccountTypeKeyValueBinaryStore -> Payload


Field in SaaS - Generic


Field in Snow License Manager

UserIds (JSON file)

List of the billable user ids for the current subscription model


AssignedUsers (connector generated)

Number of the billable users

tblImportSubscriptionInstanceHistory -> AssignedUsers

AvailableSeats (JSON file)

Number of the available user accounts for the current subscription

tblImportSubscriptionInstanceHistory -> AvailableUsers

Created (JSON file)

Date and time when the subscription was created

tblSubscriptionInstance -> CreatedDateTime

ID (JSON file)

Internal id for the subscription

tblSubscriptionInstance -> Id

MeteringType (JSON file)

Type of the subscription model. It can be PerUser, PerUserCap, Agreement, or Undefined


Type (JSON file)

Object that consists of friendly subscription name and type id


UserCap (JSON file)

Maximum number of users for the subscription

tblImportSubscriptionInstanceHistory -> UserCap

Subscription type

Field in SaaS - Generic


Field in Snow License Manager

ID (JSON file)

Subscription type id

tblSubscriptionType -> Id

Name (JSON file)

Friendly subscription name

tblSubscriptionType -> Name



Object relations use internal database references between tables (enforced by the use of foreign keys) for example, tblAccountInstance refers to the account type for the instance with the column AccountTypeRefId which points to the RefId column of tblAccountType.

Field in SaaS - Generic


Field in Snow License Manager

Id (JSON file)

Unique user id

tblUser -> Id

Email (JSON file)

User email address

tblUser -> Email

UserName (JSON file)


tblUser -> UserName

Name (JSON file)

Full name of the user

tblUser -> Name

Registration (JSON file)

Date when the user registered

tblUser -> RegistrationDateTime

FirstActivity (JSON file)

Date of the first activity by the user

tblUser -> FirstActivityDateTime

LastActivity (JSON file)

Date of the last activity by the user

tblUser -> LastActivityDateTime

Status (JSON file)

User status. It can have one of the following values: Undefined, Active, Inactive, Disabled, Deleted, Invited, Suspended
