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Import settings

The Import Settings view is used for managing settings that shall apply to all new imports, both in the Snow License Manager Web UI and in Snow Management and Configuration Center. The Settings tab is used for specifying settings that apply to all types of imports, while the Computer Import tab is used for specifying settings that apply to computer imports.

Settings tab

Use the Organization separator to set the delimiter that is used to indicate levels of the organization structure in the import source files.

Example 78.

Type “/” if the organization information is in the format: “ROOT/IT/Support”

Select the Use upper case for organization friendly name check box if capital letters should be used in the friendly name throughout the organization.

Example 79.


If a new organization is created during an import, information on the created organization nodes can be logged to a separate file. Select the Enable check box, and then type information on file path, date stamp, maximum file size, and backup count.

Computer import tab

The term Obsolete computers is used for computers that exist in the SLM database but not in the import source file. When updating computer data by running an import, you can select how to handle any obsolete computers (Do nothing, Inactivate, Archive, or Delete).

In the Obsolete computers section, the Restrict by configuration name setting can be used to limit the obsolete computer action to certain computers in the database; the action will only apply to obsolete computers with a Configuration name that is listed in the Allowed names text box.

Example 80.

The SLM database includes the following computers:

Computer name

Client configuration











You then import a file which only includes COMP1. Normally, the obsolete computer action Delete would delete COMP2, COMP3, COMP4, and COMP5. However, if you have selected the Restrict by configuration name setting and entered the Allowed name "SCCM2012", only COMP2 will be deleted.


  • To see the Configuration name of a computer in SLM Web UI, use the list All computers and add Client configuration from the Column selector.

  • The Restrict by configuration name setting applies to all new imports, both in the SLM Web UI and in Snow Management and Configuration Center.