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Add agreement: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to add an Oracle agreement in the Oracle overview section under Enterprise in Snow License Manager.


Enter basic information about the agreement, such as agreement type, agreement number, and name.

Field Label


Agreement type

In the drop-down menu, select the applicable Oracle agreement. (Required)

Agreement number

Enter the agreement number. It can be an ID that is provided by a supplier, or a licensor, or be entirely custom-made. (Required)

Agreement name

Enter the agreement name. It can be the name provided by a supplier, or a licensor, or be entirely custom-made. (Required)

Agreement status

In the drop-down menu, select the applicable status for the agreement. (Required)

  • Select Valid when registering a new agreement, to indicate that it is active.

  • Select Terminated when upgrading or migrating an agreement, to indicate that the agreement is no longer active.

    Terminated agreements should be kept available in the system to ensure traceability.


Enter agreement-specific information, for example, metrics, geographical restrictions and use rights. This will save time when adding licenses that relate to the agreement as the key information will be readily available, rather than having to search through the attached agreement document each time.


Select the Subscription agreement checkbox if the agreement is a subscription agreement.

Select the Upgrade right checkbox if the agreement supports upgrade rights. Each license manually added and connected to the agreement will have upgrade rights.

Select the Selectable after expiration checkbox if you want the agreement to continue being visible in the agreements lists even after it has expired.

Agreement periods

Enter the dates from when an agreement is valid and when it ends.

Field Label


Valid from

The date from which the agreement is valid. (Required)

Valid to

The date until which the agreement is valid. (Required)

Contact information

Enter information related to the contractor and local contact. If the agreement was signed by an application manufacturer, add the manufacturer as contractor. If the agreement was signed via a reseller, add the reseller as contractor.

Field name



The name of the contractor. This is usually a company name.


The contractor's website.


The contractor's telephone number.

Contractor contact/Contact

The name of the contractor contact person.

Contractor contact/Email address

The email address of the contractor contact person.

Contractor contact/Phone

The phone number of the contractor contact person.

Local contact/Name

The name of the agreement owner in your organization.

Local contact/Department

The department that the agreement owner in your organization belongs to.

Local contact/Email address

The email address of the agreement owner in your organization.

Local contact/Phone

The phone number of the agreement owner in your organization.


Activate and configure alerts for the agreement. When activated, alerts will appear on the Overview page and on your selected Home page as the expiry date of the agreement approaches.

Field name



In the first box, enter the number of days before the agreement expires, when an alert is to appear on the Home and Overview pages to notify that the agreement must be renewed or is automatically renewed. The default value is 90 (days).

Example: If the actual renewal date is the end date of the agreement, enter 0.

Example: If the renewal date is three months before the end date of the agreement, enter 90.

Select the Activate two additional high priority alerts checkbox if you want a second and third alert to appear on the Home and Overview pages as the expiry date approaches. If the check box is selected, continue to enter information in the second and third boxes, as per below. If the checkbox is cleared, the information in the second and third boxes will be inactivated.

In the second box, enter the number of days before the agreement expires, when a warning alert is to appear on the Home and Overview pages.

In the third box, enter the number of days before the agreement expires, when a critical alert is to appear on the Home and Overview pages.


Add documents or links containing information related to the agreement.

Field Label



Select the check box if you want to upload a document related to the agreement.

Link to file

Select the check box if you want to add a link to information related to the agreement.


Enter a name for the document or linked information.


Enter a short description of the document or linked information.

Custom information

Enter information and values in custom fields for the Agreement category, if any

Field Label


Custom fields

In the Custom fields drop-down menu, select any non-mandatory custom field you want to add to the agreement, and then select Add. Or select Add all, to add all available non-mandatory custom fields to the agreement.


Enter a value for each custom field row in the list. Mandatory fields come with a default value.