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Computers detail view

To show detailed information on a specific computer, click the item in a list of computers.

The information boxes in the Computers detail view shows information on usage and cost according to the following table.




Last scanned


Number of applications installed on the computer.

Number of users of the computer.

Total cost of the computer.

Date for last update of computer data.

The bottom section of the detail view contains detailed information on the computer. The information is presented in tabs according to the following table.




A list of all applications installed on the computer.

For more information, see Applications tab.


All users that have been logged on to the computer and when.


Basic hardware information collected from the computer during the inventory.

Information on devices such as printers, hard drives, etc. is based on inventoried drivers.


General information on the computer.

The information is grouped by information type. Note that some information is maintained manually and is therefore not available until registered.

Financial info

Financial information on the computer.


The devices that have been connected to the computer using RDP, Citrix, etc. or via a virtual desktop connection.

Remote servers

The servers to which the computer has been connected as a terminal using RDP, Citrix, etc.

Virtual desktops

A list of the virtual desktops that the computer has been connected to.

Available if the computer has accessed a virtual desktop.


All identified printer drivers installed on the computer.


Manually uploaded documents and links related to the computer.

For more information, see Manage documents and links.


Details about the Oracle databases and information on the Oracle orders associated with the server.

Available for servers running Oracle database products.

Applications tab

The Applications tab shows a list of all applications installed on the computer

An arrow ArrowRight to the left of the application name in the list is available for all applications with registered usage. Click the arrow to expand a list of users that have used this application on the specific computer. The following usage is registered per user:

  • Last used: The last date and point of time when the application was used on the computer.

  • Run: How many times the application has been executed on the computer.

  • Total time: Total application usage displayed in days, hours, and minutes.

Applications can be marked with a background color according to the following table.


Background color

No blacklist of application is specified.

The setting ACTIVATE_APPLICATION_WHITELISTING is disabled in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

White background.

A blacklist of applications is specified.

The setting ACTIVATE_APPLICATION_WHITELISTING is disabled in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

Applications that are blacklisted have a red background.

All other applications have a white background.

A blacklist of applications is specified.

The setting ACTIVATE_APPLICATION_WHITELISTING is enabled in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

Applications that are whitelisted have a white background.

Applications that are blacklisted have a red background.

All other applications have a grey background.

The application is run on the specific computer but is not installed, for example an application installed on a server share.

Orange background.