My notifications
My notifications are used for administration of alert and system event notifications.
SMTP settings must be activated in Snow MACC to enable sending of e-mails.
Add or edit notification
Perform one of the following
To add a notification, click Add notification.
The Add notification dialog box appears.
To edit a notification, click the notification row.
The Edit notification dialog box appears.
On the Details tab:
To activate the notification, select the Active box. If left cleared, no notifications will be generated.
Type a Name for the notification.
In the Send to box, type the e-mail address of the recipients that the notification is intended for. Use comma as separator.
In the Category list, select the category that the notification applies to.
In the When list, select for which action a notification should be sent. Available options depend on the selected category.
Optionally, on the Criteria tab:
To make the notification more precise, add more criteria. Use multiple criteria and groups in order to create advanced filters. For each criteria, select an operator which tells the system how to compare the values. Use % as a wildcard character for values.
Click Save.
Delete notification
On the notification row, click the Delete icon.
The Delete notification dialog box appears.
Click OK to confirm.