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This changelog describes updates to the Snow Update Service product information.


Product version



Not related to a release

Editorial updates have been made to the document.


Not related to a release

The About Snow Update Service page:

  • Online versus offline updates: The default schedules for Automation Platform and Snow Management and Configuration Center have been added to the list.

The Manage Snow Update Service page:

  • Use a secure CDN connection: The section was deleted since it is no longer applicable.

  • Export a product manifest for offline product updates: Information about the option to encrypt the product manifest has been added.

  • Install updates offline: A link to the video Offline updates has been added.

In addition to the above, several editorial updates and structural changes have been made to the document.


Not related to a release

About Snow Update Service: The information about the web services used by SUS has been updated.



About Snow Update Service: Added information about CDN. Updated the download paths.

Manage Snow Update Service: Removed the Use CDN section since it is no longer possible for a user to configure the use of CDN.


Not related to a release

Editorial updates have been added to the document.

The content has been restructured and divided into separate topics.