GenericResource Data Type

WS equivalent of GenericResource

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
description string element 0/1 the description of this resource
id long element 1/1 the id
lastStatusUpdatedTime long element 0/1 last updated time of this resource, epoch time
logicalId string element 0/1 the logicalId of this generic resource
physicalId string element 0/1 the physicalId of this resource
resourceGroup ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 the resource group of this generic resource
resourceName string element 0/1 the name of this resource
resourceStatus string element 0/1 the status of this resource
resourceStatusReason string element 0/1 the status reason of this resource
resourceType string element 0/1 the type of resource
stack ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 the Stack reference this resource belongs to


  <stack xsitype="...">
  <resourceGroup xsitype="...">