PuppetServer Data Type

Represents a Puppet Master.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
apiCaCertificate Credential element 0/1 The Puppet CA certificate - this is used to trust the Puppet server using the Puppet API.
apiCertificate Credential element 0/1 The generated certificate for vCommander - this is used so the Puppet server can trust traffic using the Puppet API.
apiPrivateKey Credential element 0/1 The generated private key for vCommander - this is used so the Puppet server can trust traffic using the Puppet API.
apiUrl string element 0/1 The endpoint to use to communicate with the Puppet API.
nodeName string element 0/1 The node name template for matching virtual machines in vCommander
puppetHome string element 0/1 The location where Puppet was installed on the server.
rakeLocation string element 0/1 The location of the rake executable (part of Ruby) on the server.
Properties inherited from ExternalServer
credential Credential element 0/1 The credentials used to authenticate vCommander with this server.
enabled string element 0/1 Checks if is enabled.
id long element 1/1 The id for this server.
url string element 0/1 The url used to access this server.

