VMInstanceType Data Type

VM instance type.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
availableForSpotInstance string element 0/1 Gets the available for spot instance.
description string element 0/1 Gets the description.
ebsOptimizedAvailable string element 0/1 Gets the ebs optimized available.
ecu double element 0/1 Gets the ecu.
id long element 1/1 Gets the id.
instanceFamily string element 0/1 Gets the instance family.
instanceStorage string element 0/1 Gets the instance storage.
instanceType string element 0/1 Gets the instance type.
managementServerType string element 0/1 Gets the management server type.
maxENIs int element 0/1 Gets the max en is.
maxIPsPerENI int element 0/1 Gets the max i ps per eni.
memory double element 0/1 Gets the memory.
name string element 0/1 Gets the name.
networkPerformance string element 0/1 Gets the network performance.
processorArch string element 0/1 Gets the processor arch.
storage long element 0/1 Gets the storage.
vcpu int element 0/1 Gets the vcpu.

