WorkflowStep Data Type

A workflow step.

WorkflowAcknowledgementStep, WorkflowApprovalScriptStep, WorkflowApproverStep, WorkflowChefStep, WorkflowConfigureNetworkStep, WorkflowCopyFileStep, WorkflowCreateFileStep, WorkflowCustomAttributeStep, WorkflowEmailStep, WorkflowExpiryDateStep, WorkflowJoinDomainStep, WorkflowMigrateStep, WorkflowOwnershipStep, WorkflowPowerStep, WorkflowPuppetStep, WorkflowQuotaApprovalStep, WorkflowRemoteCommandStep, WorkflowRemoveStep, WorkflowScriptStep, WorkflowVirtualNetworkStep, WorkflowWaitStep
name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
alreadyActioned string element 0/1 Has this already been completed or skipped?.
completedTimestamp string element 0/1 Gets the completed timestamp.
condition string element 0/1 Gets the condition.
domainCredential ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 Gets the domain credential.
duration string element 0/1 Gets the duration.
error string element 0/1 Gets the error.
guestOSCredential ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 The credential used to access the Guest OS.
id long element 1/1 Gets the id.
name string element 0/1 Gets the name.
runningWorkflowId long element 1/1 Gets the running workflow id.
skipped string element 0/1 Gets the skipped.
startTimestamp string element 0/1 Gets the start timestamp.
stepNumber int element 1/1 Gets the step number.
type WorkflowStepType element 0/1 Gets the type.


  <guestOSCredential xsitype="...">
  <domainCredential xsitype="...">