The roles define what the users can do in Snow Management and Configuration Center and in the web user interface of Snow License Manager. Every user of the system must be assigned one or several roles.
The roles can be created either in Snow Management and Configuration Center or by integrating Active Directory groups with Snow License Manager. Both methods can be used, but to minimize the risk of allowing users access to areas where they should not have access, our recommendation is to choose one of them. For more information on integrating Active Directory groups with Snow License Manager, see Active Directory group integration.
On the Roles/AD groups page in Snow Management and Configuration Center, new roles can be created and existing roles can be edited, copied, or deleted. For more information, see Manage roles.
The role properties are gathered on the following tabs:
Tab | Description |
Object security | Lists the role's granted access to views, objects, alerts, and functionality in Snow Management and Configuration Center and in the web user interface of Snow License Manager. Note: Access to the web user interface of Snow License Manager is listed under WEB and then per category, for example AGREEMENT, COMPUTER, and LICENSE. |
Report security | Lists the role's granted access to charts and reports in the web user interface of Snow License Manager. Note: By default, the roles License administrators and Viewers have no access to charts or reports. |
Users | Lists the users that the role has been assigned to. |
A role can be assigned to multiple users, and multiple roles can be assigned to a single user. A user with multiple assigned roles will have access to all items granted for each role.
If role A denies the user access to Custom Report 1 but role B allows access to the same report, a user assigned to both roles will be able to access Custom Report 1.
New functionality and new reports are continuously released in Snow License Manager. These are not automatically added to the predefined roles or to your customized roles. Review the release notes regularly, or review the information on the Object security and Report security tabs per role so that you don't miss new functionality and reports that you might find useful.
Predefined roles
Snow License Manager comes with a set of predefined roles, see the table that follows. Use the roles as they are, or use them as examples when creating customized roles for access to selected functionality. A role is typically created for a certain type of user.
Role | Description |
Administrators | Grants complete access to the entire system, both Snow Management and Configuration Center and the web user interface of Snow License Manager. Use this role for administrators, such as the global SAM owner and technicians from the IT department. |
API Users | Grants access to the Snow License Manager Web API. Note: By default, an account assigned to this role cannot be used for user login to the web user interface of Snow License Manager. |
License Administrators | A user with this role can add licenses, agreements, and information in Snow License Manager. |
Viewers | Grants access to view and export information, only. Viewers cannot make any changes to the information in Snow License Manager. |
For a detailed comparison of the two roles License Administrators and Viewers, see Role privileges.
If you want to adjust a predefined role, the recommendation is to instead make a copy of that role and keep the original one unaltered. The reason for this is that any updates of Snow Management and Configuration Center will reset the predefined roles to their default accesses.