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Manage manual data imports

Learn how to manage manual data imports in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

For a successful import of new or updated information in Snow License Manager, certain information must be provided in the import file. For detailed information on the required data and where the data can be found in the user interface of Snow License Manager after the import, see Data Import Field Description.

For information on automated data imports, see Manage automated data imports.

Import data manually

  1. On the Administration menu, click Import.

  2. On the top menu, select the type of import you want to make.

  3. In Upload a data source, do the following:

    1. In Select a file to import, click Browse to select the import source file.

    2. If the first row in the import source file contains column headers, select the Has headers.

    3. Click Next.

  4. In Import settings, do the following:


    Available import settings depend on the type of the selected import.

    1. In New organization action, select how to handle organizations that exist in the import source file but not in the Snow License Manager database:

      • Do nothing

        If selected, unknown organizations are ignored. However, information on the organization is required for a successful import. The field will be highlighted in the Preview step of the import, and it will not be possible to import data for that particular row.

      • Create

        If selected, the system will create the new organization node, either directly under the root or according to the path in the import source file.

        Example: ROOT/[new organization node], ROOT/IT/[new organization node]

    2. For license imports, in Identity mapping, select which field you want to use for mapping the licenses to the applications: Application name, Part number, or SKU (Stock-keeping unit).

    3. For computer imports, in Obsolete computer action, select how to handle computers that exist in the Snow License Manager database but not in the import source file:

      • Do nothing

        If selected, nothing will happen to the obsolete computers.

      • Inactivate

        If selected, all obsolete computers are inactivated during the import. An inactive computer does not require licenses for its installed applications and is not included in the compliance calculations.

      • Archive

        If selected, all obsolete computers are archived during the import. An archived computer is removed and all licenses currently attached to it are released.

      • Delete

        If selected, all obsolete computers are deleted during the import. A deleted computer is removed from the system; all computer details are deleted and all attachments to users, agreements, licenses, etc. are released.

        This option is available when the basic setting IMPORT_ENABLE_DELETE is enabled.


      You cannot restore a computer that has been archived or deleted during import. Only select Archive or Delete if you really want to remove them from the system.


      By a configuration setting, it is possible to limit the obsolete computer action to certain computers in the database, see Computer import tab.

    4. For custom object imports, in Object type, select the type of object to import. The available object types are the ones that have been created in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.

    5. Click Next.

  5. In Field mappings, do the following:

    1. For updates of existing objects in Snow License Manager, use the top row to select which Source column to use when mapping the import data to the objects. If the import source file has no column header, select the position of the column that holds the information.

    2. Map the rest of the Source file columns to the corresponding Destination fields in Snow License Manager. If the import source file has no column header, map the column positions of the Source file with the corresponding Destination fields.

    3. Optionally, click the button to the right of each row to see additional options for the data values in the import file. For more information, see Mapping of source and destination fields.

    4. Click Next.

  6. In Preview of import data, do the following:

    1. Review any errors highlighted in red, like conflicts or invalid values. Point to the highlighted field to see more information on the error.

      You can continue with the import even if there are invalid rows. However, only rows with no or yellow highlights will be imported. Rows highlighted in red will not be imported.

    2. To correct an error, do the following:

      1. To export the information to an Excel file for analysis, click Export all rows or Export invalid rows.

      2. To go back and correct field mappings and import settings, click Back.

      3. To cancel the import and correct any erroneous values in the import file, click Cancel.

    3. To start the import, click Next.

  7. In Importing data, you see the progress of the import.

  8. Click Finish to exit the data import wizard.

Import Microsoft License Statement files


There must exist an organization node alias in Snow License Manager for each company name listed in the Customer Name on Agreement column on the License Agreements tab of the Microsoft License Statement (MLS) file. The alias is case sensitive.

You can create an alias when you add or edit an organization node. For more information, see Create organization nodes.

  1. On the Administration menu, click Import.

  2. On the top menu, select MLS Licenses.

  3. In Upload an MLS document, do the following:

    1. In Select a file to import, click Browse to select the MLS file.

    2. Click Next.

  4. In Import settings, do the following:

    1. Use the check boxes to link agreements and licenses to organization node aliases. If you leave the boxes cleared, all agreements and licenses will be linked to the root of the organization structure.

    2. To allow import of incomplete licenses, select Import incomplete licenses.

    3. Click Next.

  5. In Preview of agreements to import, do the following:

    1. Verify the agreement data before you import it. Errors are highlighted in red. Point to the highlighted field to see more information on the error.

    2. To export the agreement preview to an Excel file for analysis, click All agreements or Discarded agreements.

  6. In Preview of licenses to import, do the following:


    If the basic setting ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_LICENSES is enabled, fields that are missing the required information are highlighted in yellow.

    1. Verify the license data before you import it. Errors are highlighted in red. Point to the highlighted field to see more information on the error.

      You can continue with the import even if there are invalid rows. However, rows highlighted in red will not be imported. Rows highlighted in yellow will be imported, but the license will be marked as incomplete.

    2. To export the agreement preview to an Excel file for analysis, click All licensesDiscarded licenses,or Incomplete licenses.

    3. To start the import, click Next.

  7. In Saving data to database, you see the progress of the import. When the import is completed, the licenses and agreements can be exported to an Excel file.

  8. Click Finish to exit the MLS import wizard.

Example: Manual imports of license purchases

Scenario: The license import file is an Excel file with column headers. You want to use the application name when you map the licenses to the applications, and you want unknown organizations in the import source file to be ignored.

  1. On the Administration menu, click Import.

  2. On the top menu, select Licenses.

  3. In Upload a data source, do the following:

    1. In Select a file to import, click Browse to select the import source file.

    2. Select Has headers.

    3. Click Next.

  4. In Import settings, do the following:

    1. In New Organization action, select Do nothing.

    2. In Identity mapping, select Application name.

    3. Click Next.

  5. In Field mappings, do the following:

    1. For each field, verify that the suggested mapping of Source and Destination fields is correct. If not, use the lists to select the appropriate column header in the source file.

    2. Click Next.

  6. In Preview of import data, do the following:

    1. If there are errors in the preview, click Back and correct the field mappings, or click Cancel to correct any erroneous values in the import file.

    2. To start the import, click Next.

  7. When the import is completed, click Finish.