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Manage application definitions

Learn how to manage your application definitions in Snow Management and Configuration Center.


You can neither edit nor delete application definitions provided by the Software Recognition Service (SRS).

Create new applications

When you create a new application, you add it to the Applications list and to the Snow License Manager database.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. Click New Application.

    The New Application dialog box appears with the tabs General Info, Settings, Application Types, and Part Number.

  3. On the General Info tab, do the following:

    1. Type the Name of the application. This is the display name that will appear in Snow License Manager.

    2. In the Manufacturer list, select the manufacturer of the application.

      If you cannot find the manufacturer in the list, click the three dots to the right of the list to open a new dialog where you can click New, and then add the manufacturer. For more information, see Manage application manufacturers.

    3. In the Language list, select the language of the application. Default value is Language Neutral.

      If you cannot find the language in the list, click the three dots to the right of the list to open a new dialog where you can click New, and then add the language. For more information, see Manage application languages.

    4. In the Operating System list, select the operating system of the application. The default value is Windows.

      This setting will drive the cross-platform licensing entitlement. This means that, if you add a Windows-based application license in Snow License Manager, it will also entitle you to cover, for example, a Macintosh application with the same license.

  4. On the Settings tab, enter information that enables Snow License Manager to automatically upgrade and downgrade the application within its application family, when applicable.

    1. For an application that belongs to an application family, select the Application Family from the list. If there are multiple versions or editions of the application, this setting will group them.

    2. Enter the Version Index of the application. The version index determines the paths of the upgrade and downgrade rights for the application. It is a licensing construct and does not reflect specific versions.

      Example 23.

      If the application is on version 4, enter 10004.

    3. When applicable, enter the Edition Index. This setting will drive categorization of the editions, such as Enterprise and Standard, for cross edition rights. If not applicable, leave it empty.

    4. In the Release Date list, select the release date of the application. This setting will drive the entitlement of version upgrade rights.

    5. For operating systems, select This is an operating system.

    6. If you don't want the application to appear in Snow License Manager, select Hide this application.

      You can use this setting when you create applications to be included in an application group. You can also use it for so-called hidden applications used for components, drivers, setup files, and temporary files, for example. A hidden application allows Snow License Manager to recognize the software, but no application will be shown.

    7. When applicable, select This application requires no license.

  5. On the Applications Types tab, you can categorize the application in Snow License Manager. Use the checkboxes to select one or several application types.

  6. On the Part Numbers tab, you can register custom part numbers for the application, as specified by the manufacturer or reseller. To add a part number, do the following:

    1. Click New.

    2. In the Part Number dialog box, in the Type list, select the part number type: Reseller, Manufacturer, or SKU.

    3. Enter the Part Number.

    4. Click OK to save and close the Part Number dialog box.

  7. Click OK to save the new application and close the New Application dialog box.

Copy applications

When you copy an application, the copy appears in the Applications list with the suffix _COPY added to its name.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. In the Applications list, select the application you want to copy.

  3. Click Copy Application.

    The message Copy Rules appears.

  4. If you want to make a copy of the application with the associated rules, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

Edit applications

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. In the Applications list, select the application you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit Application.

  4. Make the changes. For information on the different tabs, see Create new applications.

  5. Click OK to save.

Override applications

When you configure an override of an application, you select the application to be overridden and in the same process, you create the new application you want to use instead. The new application appears in the Applications list and the overridden application appears with its name strikethrough.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. In the Applications list, select the application you want to override.

  3. Click Override Application.

  4. Enter information for the new application on the General Info, Settings, Application Types, and Part Number tabs. For details, see Create new applications.

  5. Click OK to save the new application and close the Override Application dialog box.

Delete applications

When you delete an application, any associated software is unassigned from it. The application is removed from the Applications list and from the Snow License Manager database.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. In the Applications list, select the application you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete Application.

  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Hide single software rows

You can hide software rows that you don't want to appear in the Unassigned Inventoried Software list.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. In the Unassigned Inventoried Software list, select the software row you want to hide.

  3. Click Hide Software.

Hide software rows by using a hidden application

If you have multiple and similar unwanted software rows that you don't want to appear in the Unassigned Inventoried Software list, you can assign them to a hidden application.

  1. Create a new application. For details, see Create new applications.

    When you create the new application, on the Settings tab, make sure to select Hide this application.

  2. For your new, hidden application, create rules to filter out the unwanted software rows. For details, see Create new application rules.

Show hidden software rows

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. Click Show Hidden Software.

    The Hidden Unassigned Inventoried Software dialog box appears with a list of your hidden software.

  3. To close the Hidden Unassigned Inventoried Software dialog box, click Close.

Unhide software rows

When you unhide software rows, they will reappear in the Unassigned Inventoried Software list.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. Click Show Hidden Software.

  3. In the Hidden Unassigned Inventoried Software dialog box, select the software row you want to unhide and then click Unhide.

  4. Click Close.

Search for assigned software

You can search for software assigned to applications by using search criteria, such as Manufacturer, Version, and Executable Path.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application definitions.

  2. Click Search Assigned Software.

  3. In the Search Assigned Software dialog box, use the available criteria to build your search filter. Use % as a wildcard character.

  4. Click Search.

    The search result appears in the Assigned software list.

  5. To close the Search Assigned Software dialog box, click Close.