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Database editions detail view

To view all databases for a specific Oracle database edition:

  • On the Oracle overview, and on the Database edtions tab, click the applicable Oracle database editions row.

    The Database editions detail view appears.

The information on the Database editions detail view is presented in tabs according to the following table.

To navigate back to the Oracle overview, click the link in the breadcrumb at the top of the page.




The Databases tab shows detailed information on all databases using this Oracle database edition. The list of databases can be filtered by selecting Option, Management packs or Version.

The information is based on data supplied by the Oracle Management Option inventory scan.

To view detailed information for a specific database, click the database row to go to the Oracle database detail view view.


The Instances tab shows all installed instances using this Oracle database edition. The list of instances can be filtered by selecting Option, Management packs or Version.

The information is based on data supplied by the Oracle Management Option inventory scan.

To view detailed information for a specific instance, click the instance row to go to the Instance tab of the Oracle database detail view view.


The Servers tab shows the servers that this Oracle product is installed on.

The information is based on data supplied by the Oracle Management Option inventory scan.

To view detailed information for a specific server, click the server row to go to the Computers detail view.


The Orders tab shows information on the Oracle orders associated with this Oracle product.

The information is based on manually entered data.

To view detailed information for a specific order, click the order row to go to Oracle order detail view.

To add a new Oracle order, click Add Oracle order.