Get Started

This topic provides a general overview of the Service Portal to get you started quickly.

What you can see and do in the Service Portal depends on the permissions associated with the role that your administrator has assigned you. It may also depend on whether you've been granted ownership of services, deployed resources, or virtual services. Unless otherwise noted, the provided procedures assume that you have the highest level of permissions and ownership of relevant resources and virtual services.

Service Portal languages

If there's more than one language available to you, you'll see a Select Service Portal Language globe icon at the top of the Service Portal page. Click this icon to select the language you want to use.

The left-side menu allows you to click through aspects of the Service Portal. You can collapse the menu to increase the size of the screen. The UI is responsive too: when using the Service Portal on a smaller screen, the menu automatically collapses.

The options that are available in the menu depend on your permissions. For example, if you sign in to the Service Portal and use a Parent Organization view, you'll have a limited view for searching, cost analysis, and reporting purposes — you won't see the Dashboard, Service Catalog, or Service Request pages.

Depending on your permissions and setup, your Service Portal will open on one of these pages:

  • Dashboard — This Dashboard summarizes your services and provides useful high-level data. For more information, see Service Portal Dashboard.
  • Cost Dashboard — This Dashboard displays the cost of all services across all cloud accounts for your organization. For more information, see Cost Dashboard.
  • Service Catalog — From the catalog, you can request new services or request changes to existing services. For more information, see Service Catalog.
  • Corporate Web Page — If configured by your administrator, this option goes to an external URL that your administrator selected.

Service Portal Dashboard

The Dashboard provides an overview of your services and service requests. You can click charts and objects in the dashboard to navigate to the associated page or report.

Cost Dashboard

Use the Cost Dashboard to view the costs of all services in your organization and do some basic analysis. Sortable tables, bar charts and pie charts show a wide range of views — from daily costs to your organization's most expensive services — and provide recommendations on how you can save money on your setup. Filters allow you to perform costing analysis on particular clouds or other criteria important for your business. Alerts can notify you of cost anomalies. The dashboard also provides drill-through capability so that you can fully explore areas of interest. For more information, see Cost Dashboard.

You must have the correct permissions to see the Cost Dashboard. In addition, the Cost Dashboard can't currently be used for Kubernetes resources.

View your applications

You can view the applications that you own in two ways:

  • Use the Applications widget on the Dashboard.
  • Select Applications from the left-side menu.

The Applications page shows all the services and resources that you are allowed to see. This includes resources and service from supported cloud platforms:

  • Amazon Web Services™
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Kubernetes
  • Microsoft® Azure
  • Microsoft®
  • Microsoft® Hyper-V and Azure Stack HCI VMM environments managed by System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM)
  • VMware® vCenter™
  • Terraform deployments

The Applications page also supports Custom Resources, which represent IT resources that are not associated with a supported cloud account. Custom Resources can represent virtual or physical objects such as VMs from unsupported cloud platforms, physical servers, network devices, or any organizational assets that require visibility.

Service summary page

When you click a service name on the Applications page or dashboard, the summary opens with the following information:

The properties, panels, and commands displayed depend on your permissions and the virtualization platform.

  • Details: Provides information for a customizable list of service properties. To change what properties appear in the details, see Customize properties in the Details.
  • Chef: If your system administrator has integrated the Chef IT automation system, an additional tab shows VM information specific to Chef, such as the intended environment, recipe, and role configuration for the nodes.
  • Puppet: If your system administrator has integrated the Puppet Labs® IT automation system, an additional tab shows VM information specific to Puppet, such as the intended environment, group, class, and variable configuration for the nodes.
  • Estimated Cost: Shows a summary chart of the estimated costs for the service in your preferred currency. You can adjust the time range of the cost summary data. Click the Cost Dashboard link in the cost panel to view the costs of all services in your organization and do some basic cost analysis.
  • Recommendations: Shows rightsizing recommendations and provides related actions. For more information about rightsizing recommendations, see Rightsize VMs and Instances.
  • Performance: Shows how a VM is performing and what issues may be affecting its performance. Performance data is retrieved from the cloud account and may not be available for all of your VMs.
  • Events from the last 30 days: Shows a list of events that have occurred for that service. Events can be independent of user action and can be initiated outside the system, such as in the AWS console. For example, if a VM's IP address changed, this would be shown only in the VM's Events drop-down panel and not in the Tasks drop-down panel or the Tasks page.
  • Tasks from the last 30 days: Shows a list of tasks that have occurred for that service. If you're trying to troubleshoot why a VM was powered off, you may need to review both tasks and events.

If the Chef and Puppet tabs don't contain any information, or if you want to retrieve the latest configuration, click Resync.

Perform operations on services

You can perform operations for one or more services, resources, or virtual services, from the Applications page. You can also select a specific service, resource, or virtual services, then perform an action to it from its summary page.

See Daily Operations to learn how to perform the most common service management tasks.

When you select a service, the last-used operation is listed on the actions button. The available operations depend on the service type and the operations you have permission to run for the service's current state.

Service commands

To perform an operation from the Applications page:

  1. Select one or more services by clicking anywhere in a row except the blue hyperlinked service name. Ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple services.
  2. Select a command from any of the drop-down menus at the top of the page.

    If the command you want is already active, select it to run the command.

To perform an operation from a service, resource, or virtual service's summary page.

  • Select a command from any of the drop-down menus at the top of the page.
    • For AWS stacks, GCP deployments, or Azure Resource Groups, or for Terraform backends, you may be able to select a specific resource from the Resources section, then select a change request for it. For more information, see Submit Change Requests.
    • If the command you want is already active, select it to run the command.

Request a new service and changes to services

The Service Requests widget shows you the status of your service requests. Select any of the links to drill through to a list of service requests. From this list, select any request ID to view request details. You can always see exactly where your request is in the approval and provisioning process.

To start a new service request:

  1. Select Service Catalog in the left menu.

    The Service Catalog appears.

  2. Click Add Service next to a service catalog entry in the list, or click on a thumbnail (if displayed as thumbnails instead of a list).
  3. Complete the form and click Next.

    If your administrator has provided you with permissions to view cost information, as you configure the service request, the cost for the service is automatically updated and is displayed at the top of the page.

  4. Review the details and click Submit.

To request a change to an existing service:

  • Select the service, then select Actions > Resource Change Request (CPU/Memory/Disk).

To share exact VM configurations with other users (for example, to allow someone else to troubleshoot an issue):

  • Select the VM, then select Actions > Share VM.

Track service requests

  1. Select Service Requests in the left menu or click a link in the Services Requests widget on the Dashboard.
  2. You can filter the list as explained in Filter lists to quickly find what you need.
  3. If you recently submitted a request, click to refresh the list.
  4. To view request details, click the request ID, or click the service name in the Target Service column.

Filter lists to quickly find what you need

Most tables allow you to limit the results displayed by entering text in the search box.

Some tables, such as the Service Requests table, allow you to filter individual columns by clicking the Filter icon. Column selectors appear, allowing you to select a filter, or enter text to filter on.

service request list

Set up reports

By default, the Reports page contains three saved reports, but you can create your own. Click any of the reports to drill through to a list of services.

To create a new report:

  1. Go to the Reports page and click Create Report.
  2. Give the report a unique name.
  3. Select whether you want to search for information about Virtual Machines, Virtual Services, or Service Requests.
  4. Set the filters.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Make sure the results are displayed the way you want them (for example, if you add or remove columns or set the column sort order, these settings are saved along with your search parameters).
  7. If you want to schedule this report, configure the schedule, notification, and aggregate drop-down panels.
  8. Click Save.

    Your new report is added to the list of reports on the Reports page. If you configured report scheduling, the next run is displayed under the report name.

Change your organizational view

If you're a member of multiple organizations, or if you have permission to view all services in your organization, a down arrow is displayed to the right of your organization name. The menu allows you to switch organizations or switch between viewing your services and all organization services.

switch organizations

When you're a member of more than five organizations, a search field and a scroll bar appear. The search uses a "contains" match to narrow down the list of organizations. See Multiple Roles and Membership in Organizations for more information.

To switch your organization view, click the down arrow and select another view in the drop-down list.

Delegated administration and organization management

You may also have permission to manage organization members, approve service requests and manage quotas for your organization.

If you don't see what you expect to see

Ownership controls what services you see. For example, you may be an owner of a service, or you may have permission to see all of your organization's services.

Your Service Portal role and its associated permissions dictate what commands you can run on the services you can see. For instance, if you have permission, you can reconfigure VM resources, but if not, then you must submit a change request to reconfigure VM resources.

Other users can't see or manage your services unless they have the appropriate role and have been assigned ownership.

The commands available for services can also depend on the service's state. For example, if a VM is powered off, you won't see the Stop VM command.

See also:

Monitor your resources

For most widgets, the Updates Available icon appears when new data is available. Click to refresh the content of the widget or click in the top-right corner of the dashboard to refresh all widgets.

  • The Applications widgets lists the resources, such as VMs, services, and Custom Resources for which you're the primary owner. You may see additional VMs if you have permission to view all services for an organization.
  • The Reports widget provides quick access to up to four existing reports.
  • The Service Requests widget shows the status of your service requests.
  • The Month-to-date Cost widget shows costs for either the current month or the previous month for Service Types, Charge Types, and Categories.
  • The Quota Usage widget shows your quota usage as well as usage by other members of your organization. If quota limits are configured for each destination you have access to, a Destination drop-down allows you to view quota usage on other destinations.
  • The VM Performance widget shows the number of VMs with a weekly peak value CPU Usage or Memory Usage in the range of 0-60, 60-80, or 80-100%. To learn how to view full performance metrics for your VMs and services, see Monitor VM Performance Metrics. If you have permission, you also see any recommendations generated for your VMs. For more information, see View rightsizing recommendations.