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Manage user linking

Learn how to manage linking of Microsoft 365 portal users with Snow inventoried users in Snow License Manager.

Link users automatically with Active Directory user discovery

Automatic linking through the use of Active Directory user discovery brings additional value to the Microsoft 365 feature.

  • Enable Active Directory user discovery in Snow Inventory Server to collect user data from Active Directory. The collected data is used to generate user objects in Snow License Manager and link them to the users from Microsoft 365 portal data. Refer to Snow Inventory Server Admin Console for information on how to enable Active Directory user discovery.


    From Snow Inventory Server 6.5.0, the collected data includes Microsoft 365 User Principle Name (UPN). From Snow License Manager 9.8.1, user objects are created based on the Active Directory data (including UPN) and not only from inventoried users. You are recommended to update to the latest product versions. If you are using product versions earlier than Snow Inventory Server 6.5.0 and Snow License Manager 9.8.1, user linking based on UPN can be done manually as described in Link users through manual matching with Microsoft 365 UPN.

Link users through manual matching with Microsoft 365 UPN

If you are using product versions earlier than Snow Inventory Server 6.5.0 and Snow License Manager 9.8.1, you can link users by manually matching their username to their Microsoft 365 User Principle Name (UPN) and import the file.

  1. Find and export a list of Snow License Manager users that you want to match to a corresponding Microsoft 365 user.

    The Snow License Manager users are found in the All users report or in the List all users view.

  2. Remove all columns except the user name and add a column called Microsoft 365 UPN to the user export and add the matching Microsoft 365 User Principle Name for each user.

    The Microsoft 365 users are found under Users in the Microsoft 365 navigation, or in the Microsoft 365 portal.

  3. Import the data by updating the existing users according to Import data.

    At the Field mappings step, ensure that the Microsoft 365 UPN field is mapped to the Email address field.

During the next import by the Microsoft 365 connector, correctly mapped users will be linked. The import can be manually triggered in the Snow Integration Manager user interface.

Link users manually

For users that can not be automatically linked, manual linking is done based on suggested matches.

  1. In the Microsoft 365 navigation bar, select Link users.

    The Link users view appears.

  2. Select the Users to link tab, if it is not already shown.

    The list shows users that can be linked to a matching inventoried user. If you are satisfied with the suggestion, go to Step 4.


    If several matching users exist, chose which inventoried user to link to.

  3. To change the default suggestion, select another option in the Link options column.

    Mark as online only will not connect the user to an inventoried user account. Keep unlinked will move the user to the Unlinked users tab.

  4. Select Preview.

    A list with your selected link options is shown.

  5. To edit or delete a linking choice, use the icons on each row.

  6. Select Save to confirm the linking options.

  7. The Users to link tab is shown.

    If all users are linked, or if users are not yet inventoried in Snow License Manager, the list is empty, otherwise it shows the remaining suggestions for users to link.

Unlink users

A Microsoft 365 user that has been linked to an inventoried user, or marked as online only, can be unlinked.

  1. In the Microsoft 365 navigation bar, select Link users.

    The Link users view appears.

  2. Select the Linked users tab.

  3. Change option in the Link options column, for each user that you want to unlink.

    The change is updated immediately.

  4. Users that have been unlinked show up on the Unlinked users tab.

    Select Reload if they are not visible.