New Service Request Configuration

When Service Portal or Commander users make new service requests, the request forms they see will be based on the saved service request forms that you have customized for them and the deployed services that they require.

The ability to customize your service request forms allows you to better support your existing service request and provisioning process.

Form display

When users request a new service, the request form that's displayed will depend on whether a new service request form has been assigned to them, their organization, or their directory service group.

When no form has been assigned, the default new service request form is used. For new service requests, there can only be one default new service request form; you can customize the default service request form, but you can't delete it.

You can also create multiple custom new service request forms and assign them to specific users or organizations. This provides those users with a request form that has been designed specifically for them and your existing service request and provisioning process.

When a new service request form is presented to a user in Commander or the Service Portal, it will have two sections:

  • Service section — These settings apply to a service as a whole. You can configure service-level settings such as ownership, expiry date, estimated cost, and deployment destination. To configure these settings when you design the form, you'll add the appropriate elements to the form. For more information, see Create New Service Requests.
  • Component section — If one or more components have been added to the service, an additional component-specific page will be added to the service request form. Settings such as CPU, memory, network, and credentials are component-specific. You can configure these component-level settings for each component that you add to a service in the Service Catalog. For more information, see Component blueprints.

Form assignment precedence

New service request forms are shown to users in the following order of precedence:

  • Forms assigned directly to a user
  • Forms assigned to a user's organization
  • Forms assigned to a user's directory services group
  • Otherwise, the global form is displayed

A user can only be specifically assigned only one New Service Request form.

Add service settings to requests

You can configure new service forms so users can add information or set preferences for the request. For example, you can add an Input Text Field to the Service Section of the form so that a user could add extra notes to the request. Or you can add a Custom Attribute element to a form so that a user could specify a value for that custom attribute.

However, adding elements to a request form is only one way that a requested service can be customized. If you don't want user input, you can add a custom attribute to the Attributes tab in the service catalog blueprint, but specify a default value or leave it blank for an administrator to enter during manual deployment. You can also have a custom attribute specified when an automated deployment occurs by adding a Set Custom Attribute step to a completion workflow.

The order of precedence for assignment of service settings during the request process is as follows: