
The Service Portal's service request automation feature allows users to:

What you can see and do in the Service Portal depends on the permissions associated with the role that your administrator has assigned you. It may also depend on whether you've been granted ownership of services, deployed resources, or virtual services. Unless otherwise noted, the provided procedures assume that you have the highest level of permissions and ownership of relevant resources and virtual services.

About services

A service is a container for IT assets that can be requested, approved, deployed, and completed as a unit. A service can consist of anything from a single resource, such as a VM, to a combination of service components, such as:

  • Multi-cloud templates
  • VM templates
  • Amazon Marketplace AMIs
  • Virtual service templates
  • Cloud templates (CloudFormation templates, ARM templates, and GCP deployment configurations)
  • OVA/OVF templates
  • Custom components — These are used to represent both non-virtual assets (such as a phone) and tasks that modify existing assets (such as the installation of a database instance on an existing server).

    Custom components differ from resources, such as VMs, and virtual service components in that once a request for a custom component is completed, the custom component isn't displayed or tracked in Commander or the Service Portal.

A service can be predefined (for example, as a vApp in vCenter). You can also configure a service from individual components in Commander, for example:

  • A new hire service, which includes everything a new hire needs, such as a desktop machine, installed software applications, and a phone.
  • A lab service, which includes everything required to set up a software testing lab environment.

Ownership of requested services

When you request a service, you're automatically assigned as primary owner of the deployed service.

When you request a service as an organization member, the deployed service is automatically assigned to the organization, and you're assigned as primary owner.

If you're the primary owner of a service, you can change the ownership assignment of a service. For more information, see Set Ownership.